Grid System with Filtering Backends

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The objective of this test assignment is to develop a grid system with filtering functionality in the backend. The grid system is designed to display student details (ID, name, total marks, etc.) and allow filtering based on various columns. The assignment involves developing the backend APIs responsible for loading student details with pagination and implementing server-side filtering.

BackEnd Url:-

Tech Stacks

- Node.js (for backend)

- MongoDB atlas (for DBMS)

- Mongoose

- React (for FrontEnd)

- Chakra UI

API End Points


- To load all the students list based on two params 1. page_no & 2. page_size;



- To filter dynamically from backend, used query params to filter name, classNo, location etc.



- Additionally created the post route where in user can add students details through header body

Screen shots from FrontEnd

GET Student