for This Task :
in main class you can change the transformation method in function showResult and the output image in Resources/newImage.
Bitmap TEST = new Bitmap(DefaultInputPath, DefaultOutPutPath, "Rotate", 180);
Bitmap TEST = new Bitmap(DefaultInputPath, DefaultOutPutPath, "Rotate", 45);
Bitmap TEST = new Bitmap(DefaultInputPath, DefaultOutPutPath, "BlackAndWhite");
Bitmap TEST = new Bitmap(DefaultInputPath, DefaultOutPutPath, "PixiLate", 10);
the default input and out path is /mnt/c/Users/M.2070/MyWork/bitmap-transformer/app/src/main/resources/Name of method
when you run ./gradlew test new Image is shown in resourses filse
1- BlackAndWhite
2 - Rotate(rotation degree). rotation degree is optional.
3 - PixiLate(percent ) . percent is optional