
How to Deploy Backstage in Kubernetes with Postgres, Storage and along with Backstage-App Creation and Minikube Support

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Hit the Star!

You can use this repo for build and develop backstage, please hit the star. Thanks!


Instructions on How to Deploy Backstage App in Ubuntu 20.04

Note :- Please try this step on freshly installed ubuntu O/S and Clone this repo

7007 is port number for backend 
3000 is port number for frontend 

Installing Docker, Nodejs 18, NPM

Note :- Nodejs 16 or 18 version is only support

1. sudo apt install –y docker.io
2. curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_18.x | sudo -E bash - && sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
   curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | sudo -E bash -
   sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
3. sudo npm install --global yarn
   npm install -g npm@10.0.0

To verify version

4. node --version
5. yarn --version 
6. nvm --version 
7. npm version (nvm list, which nvm) 

To setup/install backstage app

8. npx @backstage/create-app@latest 

Go inside the Backstage App

9. cd Backstage-app 

Creating a new files inside backstage-app folder

Note :- all this 3 files can be copied/paste from this same repo inside deploy-app folder

10. nano Dockerfile       (we are using from Multi-stage Build Image) 
11. nano app-config.yaml 
12. nano .dockerignore 

Running and creating docker image

13. yarn install 
14. yarn build:backend 
15. yarn build-image --tag rashidmd/backstage:1.0.0 
16. docker image build -t rashidmd/backstage:1.0.0 . 

Pusing docker image to Docker Hub

17. docker login
18. docker push rashidmd/backstage:1.0.0 


   1. sudo apt-get remove nodejs 
   2. sudo apt-get remove npm 
   3. sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list  
   4. sudo rm -rf /home/ubuntu/.npm 
   5. sudo apt purge --autoremove nodejs npm

For Installation in Minikube

1. sudo apt install docker.io
2. sudo usermod -aG docker $USER && newgrp docker
3. curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/latest/minikube_latest_amd64.deb
4. sudo dpkg -i minikube_latest_amd64.deb
5. minikube start
6. kubectl get po -A
7. minikube kubectl -- get po -A
8. alias kubectl="minikube kubectl --"

I have tested above all steps it just deploy backstage app in kubernetes cluster whethers its EKS, AKS, GKE.


  1. image

  2. image