
repository for HTML-CSS-JS workshop

Primary LanguageJavaScript



repository for HTML-CSS-JS workshop

Steps to join and clone the repository (project files)

I have created this documentation so that any member can join the repository easily :)

// Pre-req:

  • Github account (please make if you don't have one)
  • Git installed on your PC (you can install it through msysgit [ http://msysgit.github.io/ ] (for any help in installation, ask me or anyone who knows git)

// Steps:

/***** To join the repository ******/ goto: https://github.com/ShahnawazAli93/html-css-js_acm-csku.git

and click on the watch and star button

/***** To clone the project reporsitory on your hdd *****/

New user:

(if you are using git first time, first follow these steps) 1> Open command prompt 2> type

git config --global user.name "yourUsername" git config --global user.email yourEmail

Example git config --global user.name "Shahnawaz Ali" git config --global user.email mr_shah@live.com

(if git asked for password, type your password)

Clone the repo:

1> Open command prompt 2> Go to the folder where you wish to clone that repository files

don't create any new folder, after clone it will create a folder for you.

Example before clone: D:\ACM\ACM-Project
(correct) D:\ACM\ACM-Project[Project Name]
(wrong) after clone: D:\ACM\ACM-Project\html-css-js_acm-csku (correct) D:\ACM\ACM-Project[Project Name]\html-css-js_acm-csku (wrong)

Actually both are fine but by creating a new folder (by yourself) you will have to type "cd" one extra time

3> now type

git clone https://github.com/ShahnawazAli93/html-css-js_acm-csku.git

this will pull all the project files from the remote repository

4> after any change (or when you want to commit the code locally), type

git add -A git commit -m "message"

Your message should be short and indicate what changes you have made

5> to push these new changes to remote repository (on actual remote repo), type

git push origin master

6> to pull new changes from remote repository, type

git pull origin master

// Note:

  • There's only one branch on remote repository i.e: "master", so type the full command

git pull origin master actual structure -> git pull [remoteName] [branchName] git push origin master actual structure -> git push [remoteName] [branchName]

instead of git push or git pull

  • After executing any git command you will see the description of what happened, watch for any error