Welcome to the PayPal Android SDK. This library will help you accept Card, PayPal, and Venmo payments in your Android app.
The SDK is currently in the development process. This product is being developed fully open source - throughout the development process, we welcome any and all feedback. Aspects of the SDK will likely change as we develop the SDK. We recommend using the SDK in the sandbox environment until an official release is available. This README will be updated with an official release date once it is generally available.
As the SDK is moved to general availability, we will be adding a contribution guide for developers that would like to contribute to the SDK. If you have suggestions for features that you would like to see in future iterations of the SDK, please feel free to open an issue, PR, or discussion with suggestions. If you want to open a PR but are unsure about our testing strategy, we are more than happy to work with you to add tests to any PRs before work is merged.
The PayPal Android SDK is available for Android SDK 21+. See our Client Deprecation policy to plan for updates.
This SDK is written in Kotlin and supports both Kotlin and Java integrations. See the [Java Demo App](#TODO: link demo when created) and Kotlin Demo App for sample integrations.
You can support a specific payment method by adding its corresponding feature module as a dependency in your app's build.gradle
For example, to support both Card and PayPal payments in your app include the following:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.paypal.android:card:1.0.0'
implementation 'com.paypal.android:paypal:1.0.0'
// TODO: Update code snippet after finalizing integration
// STEP 0: Fetch an ACCESS_TOKEN and ORDER_ID from your server.
// STEP 1: Create a PaymentConfig object
paymentConfig = PaymentConfig(ACCESS_TOKEN)
// STEP 2: Create payment method client objects
cardClient = CardClient(paymentConfig)
// STEP 3: Collect relevant payment method details
card = Card()
card.number = "4111111111111111"
card.cvv = "123"
// STEP 4: Call checkout method
lifecycleScope.launch {
try {
val result = cardClient.checkoutWithCard(ORDER_ID, card)
// send orderID to your server to process the payment
val orderID = result.orderID
} catch (e: PayPalSDKError) {
// handle checkout error
// STEP 5: Send orderID to your server to capture/authorize
This SDK follows Semantic Versioning. This SDK is published to Maven Central. The release process is automated via GitHub Actions.
Snapshot builds of the latest SDK features are published from the main
branch weekly. The snapshot builds can be used to test upcoming features before they have been released. To include a snapshot build:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.paypal.android:card:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
This repository includes unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests.
// TODO: Add sections with commands for running each type of tests
This project uses Detekt for Kotlin code analysis. To run the code analysis:
./gradlew detekt
This will output a list of violations, if any.
Running the gradle task with the -PdetektAutoCorrect
parameter, will automatically correct formatting issues:
./gradlew detekt -PdetektAutoCorrect
Detekt rules are configured in detekt/detekt-config.yml
This project uses Jacoco for gathering code coverage metrics. We leverage the 3rd-party jacoco-android-gradle-plugin to integrate Jacoco into our project.
To run code coverage analysis:
./gradlew jacocoTestReport
The results are then generated in each module's respective build/jacoco
folder (e.g. Card/build/jacoco
See our [GitHub Guidelines](#TODO: determine where this document will live and update link) for git practices followed in this project.