
It is a basic e-commerce site which build in MERN tech stack. It has all the functionality which is required in e-comerse site

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Free hosting use for deployement, so it might be happen response take much time and some time its down, So please run this project on local for checking.

Technology Which I Used


  • Nodejs
  • Mongodb
  • Express


  • React Js
  • Redux

Step to Start Project

For Backend

  1. git clone https://github.com/MohitSojitra/e-commerce-store.git
  2. cd e-comerce-backend
  3. npm i
  4. npm run data:import
  5. npm run dev

For Frontend

  1. cd e-comerce-frontend
  2. npm i
  3. npm run start

NOTE : If you stuck then contact me on LinkedIn (https://in.linkedin.com/in/mohit-sojitra)


  • If You find any bug then please create issue i love to solve that
  • If you want to contribute this project then feel free to make pull request i love to merge your request
  • If You have suggestion or want new feature the feel free to create an issue with label features.

If you like project then feel free to give Star 😅