
Contains many of the functionalities of an e-commerce app. Check the link below to see the website live. Website deployed with backend. Check fastcom.vercel.app

Primary LanguageHTML


Contains many of the functionalities of an e-commerce app. The home page contains the buttons to all the screens of the website. Check the link below to see the website live


How code is structured in the repo

Here are the different folders for the differnet pages of the website. For example the cart folder contains one html file and one css file for the cart page.

Understanding my commits

Hello, here are the meaning of the commits

  • feat: new feature added

  • fix: fixed a bug

  • docs: changes in documentation

  • style: style related

  • refactor: code changes that neither changes a but nor fixes an error

  • test: everything related to testing

  • chore: updating building task, package manager etc