-Student BA commerce , Nipssing university -MA Mathematics & Statistics York University -MA Data Science University of Guelph -PG Big Data Analytics TMU
Brampton, ON, Canada
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EDA Basketball+streamlite
Logistic Regression with a Neural Network mindset
Decision Trees - Machine Learning with Python
Our project tackles absenteeism head-on with research-driven strategies, transparent communication, and ongoing evaluation. By addressing root causes and fostering a supportive environment, we aim to boost productivity and well-being for all stakeholders."
This is final project Data science bootcamp Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
# Objective "The objective of this data analysis initiative, utilizing Python and SQL, is to uncover strategies for elevating occupancy rates on underperforming flights, thereby boosting the airline's profitability."
ANOVA TEST FOR ISwR library and look at the red.cell.folate data
Admissions.csv simulates administrative data where each row represents a unique admission to a hospital. Lab.csv simulates results for patients who had laboratory testing (e.g. blood counts) in their admission. Transfusions.csv simulates information on patients who underwent a blood transfusion in their admission. 1. Impute the missing charlson_comorbidity_index values in any way you see fit, with the intention that this variable will be used as a predictor in a statistical model. 2. Determine if there is a significant difference in sex between patients who had an rbc_transfusion and patients that did not. Fit a linear regression model using the result_value of the “Platelet Count” lab tests as the dependent variable and age, sex, and hospital as the independent variables. Briefly interpret the results. 4. Create one or multiple plots that demonstrate the relationships between length_of_stay (discharge date and time minus admission date and time), charlson_comorbidity_index, and age. 5. You are interested in evaluating the effect of platelet transfusions on a disease. The patients with platelet_transfusion represent the selected treatment group. Select a control group in any way you see fit. How could you improve your selection if you had more data and access to any clinical variable you can think of? 6. Fit a first-iteration statistical model of your choosing to predict the result_value of the “Hemoglobin” lab tests and evaluate its performance. How could you improve the model if you had more data and access to any clinical variable you can think of?
Here is your task Your colleague, the engagement partner, asks you to do the following tasks: Define proper KPIs Create a dashboard for the retention manager reflecting the KPIs Write a short email to him (the engagement partner) explaining your findings, and include suggestions as to what needs to be changed
In this project you will have the chance to analyze the inaugural addresses of the presidents of the United States of America, as collected by the Natural Language Toolkit, using word embeddings.
Mohsenselseleh's Repositories
For this project, I will interpret data from the National Parks Service about endangered species in different parks. I will perform some data analysis on the conservation statuses of these species and investigate if there are any patterns or themes to the types of species that become endangered. During this project, you will analyze, clean up, and plot data as well as pose questions and seek to answer them in a meaningful way.
So, have you ever wondered which book to read next? Well, I often have and to me, book recommendations are a fascinating issue
Problem Statement – I am the Data Scientist at a telecom company “Neo” whose customers are churning out to its competitors. You have to analyse the data of your company and find insights and stop your customers from churning out to other telecom companies.
Model building with KNN,logistic regression,LDA and Tree for Forest cover type prediction
For this project, I will analyze data on GDP and life expectancy from the World Health Organization and the World Bank to try and identify the relationship between the GDP and life expectancy of six countries.
Build a linear model on train set where independent variable is ‘Defence’ & Dependent variable is ‘Attack’
It is an algorithm to predict user ratings for films.
In this project, a CSV file with medical insurance costs will be investigated using Python fundamentals. The goal with this project will be to analyze various attributes within insurance.csv to learn more about the patient information in the file and gain insight into potential use cases for the dataset.