Building Notes App with Python FastAPI, Sqlmodel, Poetry and neon postgresql

FastAPI, SQLModel, Postgres

This project aims to create a Notes App using Python FastAPI, Sqlmodel, Poetry, and neon PostgreSQL. FastAPI is a modern Python web framework known for its high-performance capabilities, making it ideal for building web applications efficiently. Here's a brief overview of the project:

  • FastAPI: A modern Python web framework known for its high-performance capabilities.
  • Sqlmodel: A library for SQL databases in Python, which integrates seamlessly with FastAPI for database operations.
  • Poetry: A dependency management and packaging tool for Python projects, used here to manage project dependencies.
  • Neon PostgreSQL: A PostgreSQL database for storing notes data.


The backend of this app consists of five endpoints:

  • One POST request for the create operation
  • Two GET requests for the read operation
  • One PATCH request for the update operation
  • One DELETE request for the delete operation

Getting Started

To set up FastAPI for a basic project, you need to install two things from pip: FastAPI and Uvicorn. Here's how you can create the project and set it up:

Create Project

poetry new fastapi-notesapp

cd fastapi-notesapp

poetry add fastapi "uvicorn[standard]"

poetry run uvicorn fastapi-notesapp.main:app --host --port 8000