
Steganography project, for class TP

Primary LanguageMakefile


The project allows the user to open a provided txt file and display a secret message.
Project done for class TP.


  • Windows 10 or higher
  • QT Creator (QT4) to rework the project

Usage 1 : executable from the release

  • Download the .exe file in the release and launch it

Note : sometimes, some .dll are missing. Depending on your system, installing the prerequisites -and add them to your PATH- can fix the problem.

Usage 2 : executable from the project folder

  • Download the ZIP file and extract
  • Go here in the : SteganographyEasyTest\build-TP_Steganographie-Desktop_Qt_6_2_4_MinGW_64_bit-Release\release and launch TP_Seganographie.exe
  • Click on the main button and select the file fastspeech.txt included in the ZIP file

Usage 3 : project

  • Download the ZIP file and extract
  • Open QTCreator and open the project, located here : SteganographyEasyTest\TP_Steganographie\TP_Steganographie.pro

From there, you can edit, build and run the project.


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