OrthOpt: a mesh orthogonality optimizer

Optimize a tetrahedral mesh to minimize its mean non-orthogonality (possibly weighted).

This implementation is naive but sufficient for demonstration purpose, but can still optimize a 1M elements mesh in few minutes. If you had time to optimize it, feel free to contribute!


  • Decompose the mesh (i.e. finding its internal faces) and compute statistic on non-orthogonality and skewness.
  • Mesh non orthogonality is defined by the dot product of face normal and vector defined by the two cell centers sharing the face.
  • Optimize the non-orthogonality distribution in the mesh according to a gradient based method using the LBGFS algorithm (from LBFGS++ library) by moving its vertices.
  • Optimize vertices shared by only tetrahedra (e.g. if the vertices belong to one hex element and 100 tetrahedra, it is NOT optimized).
  • Control the non-orthogonality distribution in the mesh by applying penalization function to the non-orthogonality (power function, inverse function, log function, exponential function).
  • Read and write mesh in various formats (Medit, TetGen, PFLOTRAN for instance)
  • Parallelization of the optimization process through OpenMP


  1. Install dependencies: sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
  2. Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/MoiseRousseau/Mesh-Orthogonality-Optimizer.git OrthOpt && cd OrthOpt
  3. Create a build directory: mkdir build && cd build
  4. Configure with CMake: cmake ..
  5. Build with make


Please see OrthOpt launching OrthOpt without arguments (e.g. ./OrthOpt)

For example, for a mesh in Medit format (extension .mesh), the command

./OrthOpt -optimize -m in.mesh -o out.mesh -function_type 0 -penalizing_power 5 -maxit 100 

optimize the vertices position of the mesh stored in the file in.mesh (Medit format) considering a power weigthing function with a penalization power of 5 with a maximum of 100 iteration. Optimized mesh is saved in Medit format in the file out.mesh.

Salome plugin

A plugin for the CAD software Salome plugin is also available. The plugin export the mesh in a PFLOTRAN-like format, automatically call the optimizer, and reimport the optimize mesh in Salome.

Installation is done in three step:

  1. Copy the content or the folder salome_plugin in this repository to a newly created folder nammed OrthOpt in the directory $HOME/.config/salome/Plugins/
  2. Add the following two lines at the end of smesh_plugins.py file located in the previous directory:
import OrthOpt
salome_pluginsmanager.AddFunction('OrthOpt', ' ',
  1. Copy the OrthOpt executable in the $HOME/.config/salome/Plugins/OrthOpt/ folder.

You are ready to go. The plugin is located in the MESH module under the Mesh/SMESH Plugins/OrthOpt.


Example of the optimization of a mesh composed of nearly 25000 nodes and 125000 tetrahedra for simulation the flow around a cylinder as this OpenFOAM tutorial. Mesh was generated using Salome and the NETGEN algorithm with default optimization parameters and refined near the cylinder. Mesh was further optimized using OrthOpt considering a power law penalization function with various penalization power n. The table below summarizes the mesh statistics and the total number of iteration for the linear solver with the orthogonal correction for the Laplacian to converge (with tolerance 1e-6 and 1e-12).

Mesh Mean non-orthogonality (°) Max non-orthogonality (°) Solver iteration (1e-6) Solver iteration (1e-12)
OrthOpt n=0.5 11.2 70.8 34 > 100
OrthOpt n=1 11.7 56.9 31 78
Netgen default 12.4 50.7 29 68
OrthOpt n=3 13.6 44.1 29 59
OrthOpt n=5 14.5 42.6 28 52

The figure below also shows the distribution of non-orthogonality angle within the internal faces of the meshes.

Mesh non-orthogonality distribution example

In details, increasing the penalization power increase the mean non-orthogonality, but decrease its maximum. Decrease of the maximum resulted in fewer iteration for the solver to converge, especially for a tolerance of 1e-12.


  • Parallel decomposition of mesh (maybe use some dedicaced library)
  • Some code optimization (e.g. store vertices coordinate as one table, and not as a structure)
  • More IO format
  • Add more examples
  • Tests
  • Write a paper ?

Python Wrapper

Rather some note for me than to be used.

  1. Open makefile and add option -fPIC to TARGET
  2. Compile the binder: g++ -c -fPIC binding.cpp -o binding.o -I/usr/include/eigen3
  3. Create the shared library: g++ -shared -Wl,--no-undefined,-soname,lib.so -o lib.so ../../build/obj/Mesh.o ../../build/obj/OrthOpt.o binding.o -fopenmp