
Scripts and Resources for the 100 days of golang series (In progress)

Primary LanguageGo

100 Days of Go lang

Go lang is a programming language which is easier to write and even provides type and memory safety, garbage collection and structural typing. It is developed by the Google Team in 2009 and open sourced in 2012. It is a programming language made for Cloud native technologies and web applications. It is a general purpose programming lanugage and hence there are no restrictions on the type of programs you wish to make in it.

Resources to learn Golang

Some famous applications made with GO!

Web apps DevOps tools CLI tools
SoundCloud - Music System Prometheus - Monitoring system and time series database gh-cli - Official Github CLI
Uber - Ride Sharing/Cab booking Webapp Grafana - Platform for monitoring and observability cockroach-db - Cockroach DB CLI
Allergo - E-Commerce Webaapp Terraform - Building, Changing, and Versioning Infrastructure gtree - File tree CLI
Minikube - Run kubernetes locally jenkinscli - Managing Jenkins from CLI
Kit - standard library for microservices

100 Days of Golang Blog challenge

Day Topic Blog Link Code Examples Documentation Link
0 Overview of Golang What and Why? Golang README docs
1 Setup and Installation Installation and Hello World: GO hello installation docs
2 Varaibles and Data Types Data Types in Golang varaibles Varaibles and Types
3 Conditionals and Loops Conditionals and Loops in Golang conditionals / loops if else
4 Input Input in Golang input Scan
5 Arrays Arrays in Golang arrays Arrays
6 Slices Slices in Golang slices Slices
7 Maps Maps in Golang maps Maps
8 Functions Functions in Golang functions Functions
9 Structs Structs in Golang structs Structs
10 Pointers Pointers in Golang pointers Pointers
11 Packages Pacakges in Golang packages Packages
12 Math Math package in Golang math Math package
13 Operators Operators in Golang operators operators
14 Mutables and Immutables Mutable and Immutable Data types in Golang im-mutables Mutables and Immutables
15 String Manipulation Strings in Golang strings strings package
16 Defer Defer in Golang defer defer keyword
17 Anonymous Functions Anonymous Functions in Golang anonymous_functions anonymous function
18 Closures Closures in Golang closures closures
19 Interfaces Interfaces in Golang interfaces interfaces
20 Error Handling Error Handling in Golang errors Error - Effective Go
21 Paths Working with Paths in Golang paths path, io, os
22 File Read File Read in Golang files-read os, bufio
23 Config File Read (JSON, YAML, TOML, XML) Config File Reading in Golang config-files yaml, toml, encoding
24 File Write File Write in Golang files-write os file write function, os write file types
25 Command Line Args CMD Args in Golang cmd-args os Args, flag
26 Regex Regex in Golang regex regexp
27 Random Numbers Random Numbers in Golang random-numbers math/rand, crypto/rand, math/big
28 Date and Time Date and Time in Golang date-time time
29 Generics Generics in Golang generics generics tutorial
30 Go Routines Go Routines go-routines sync
31 Channels Go Channels channels chan
32 Web: URL Parsing Web: URL Parsing web/url-parsing net/url