A voice system designed around the use of FiveM/RedM internal mumble server.
Please report any issues you have in the GitHub Issues
here for Windows and here for Linux.
NOTE: It is expected for servers to be on the latest recommended version, which you can findCompatibility Notice:
This script is not compatible with other voice systems (duh), that means if you have vMenus voice chat you will have to disable it.
Please do not override NetworkSetTalkerProximity
, MumbleSetAudioInputDistance
, MumbleSetAudioOutputDistance
or NetworkSetVoiceActive
in any of your other scripts as there have been cases where it breaks pma-voice.
- @Frazzle for mumble-voip (for which the concept came from)
- @pichotm for pVoice (where the grid concept came from)
FiveM/RedM Config
NOTE: Only use one of the Audio options (don't enable 3d Audio & Native Audio at the same time), its also recommended to always use voice_useSendingRangeOnly.
You only need to add the convar if you're changing the value.
All of the configs here are set using setr [voice_configOption] [boolean]
Native audio will not work on RedM, you will have to use 3d audio.
ConVar | Default | Description | Parameter(s) |
voice_useNativeAudio | false | This will not work for RedM Uses the games native audio, will add 3d sound, echo, reverb, and more. Required for submixs | boolean |
voice_use2dAudio | false | Uses 2d audio, will result in same volume sound no matter where they're at until they leave proximity. | boolean |
voice_use3dAudio | false | Uses 3d audio | boolean |
voice_useSendingRangeOnly | false | Only allows you to hear people within your hear/send range, prevents people from connecting to your mumble server and trolling. | boolean |
PLEASE NOTE: Any keybind changes only affect new players, if you want to change your key bind go to Key Bindings -> FiveM -> Look for keybinds under 'pma-voice'.
All of the config is done via ConVars in order to streamline the process.
The ints are used like a boolean to 0 would be false, 1 true.
All of the configs here are set using setr [voice_configOption] [int]
OR setr [voice_configOption] "[string]"
Note: If a convar defaults to 1 (true) you don't have set it again unless you want to disable it.
General Voice Settings
ConVar | Default | Description | Parameter(s) |
voice_enableUi | 1 | Enables the built in user interface | int |
voice_enableProximityCycle | 1 | Enables the usage of the F11 proximity key, if disabled players are stuck on the first proximity | int |
voice_defaultCycle | F11 | The default key to cycle the players proximity. You can find a list of valid keys in the Cfx docs | string |
voice_defaultRadioVolume | 30 | The default volume to set the radio to (has to be between 1 and 100) NOTE: Only new joins will have the new value, players that already joined will not. | float |
voice_defaultCallVolume | 60 | The default volume to set the call to (has to be between 1 and 100) NOTE: Only new joins will have the new value, players that already joined will not. | float |
voice_defaultVoiceMode | 2 | Default proximity voice value when player joins server. (Voice Modes; 1:Whisper, 2:Normal, 3:Shouting) | int |
Call & Radio
ConVar | Default | Description | Parameter(s) |
voice_enableRadios | 1 | Enables the radio sub-modules | int |
voice_enableCalls | 1 | Enables the call sub-modules | int |
voice_enableSubmix | 1 | Enables the submix which adds a radio/call style submix to their voice NOTE: Submixs require native audio | int |
voice_enableRadioAnim | 0 | Enables (grab shoulder mic) animation while talking on the radio. | int |
voice_defaultRadio | LMENU | The default key to use the radio. You can find a list of valid keys in the FiveM docs | string |
ConVar | Default | Description | Parameter(s) |
voice_refreshRate | 200 | How often the UI/Proximity is refreshed | int |
External Server & Misc.
ConVar | Default | Description | Parameter(s) |
voice_allowSetIntent | 1 | Whether or not to allow players to set their audio intents (you can see more here) | int |
voice_externalAddress | none | The external address to use to connect to the mumble server | string |
voice_externalPort | 0 | The external port to use | int |
voice_debugMode | 0 | 1 for basic logs, 4 for verbose logs | int |
voice_externalDisallowJoin | 0 | Disables players being allowed to join the server, should only be used if you're using a FXServer as a external mumble server. | int |
voice_hideEndpoints | 1 | Hides the mumble address in logs NOTE: You should only care to hide this for a external server. | int |
pma-voice comes with a built in /muteply (tgtPly) (duration) command, in order to allow your staff to use it you will have to grand them the ace!
add_ace group.superadmin command.muteply allow;
This would only allow the superadmin group to mute players.
Export | Description | Parameter(s) |
setVoiceProperty | Set config options | string, any |
setRadioChannel | Set radio channel | int |
setCallChannel | Set call channel | int |
setRadioVolume | Set radio volume for player | int |
setCallVolume | Set call volume for player | int |
addPlayerToRadio | Set radio channel | int |
addPlayerToCall | Set call channel | int |
removePlayerFromRadio | Remove player from radio | |
removePlayerFromCall | Remove player from call |
Export | Description | Parameter(s) |
toggleMutePlayer | Toggles the selected player muted for the local client | int |
Supported from mumble-voip / toko-voip
Export | Description | Parameter(s) |
SetMumbleProperty | Set config options | string, any |
SetTokoProperty | Set config options | string, any |
SetRadioChannel | Set radio channel | int |
SetCallChannel | Set call channel | int |
The majority of setters are done through player states, while a small
State Bag | Description | Return Type |
proximity | Returns a table with the mode index, distance, and mode name | table |
radioChannel | Returns the players current radio channel, or 0 for none | int |
callChannel | Returns the players current call channel, or 0 for none | int |
These are events designed for third-party resource integration. These are emitted only to the current client.
Event | Description | Event Params |
pma-voice:settingsCallback | When emited it will return the current pma-voice settings. | cb(voiceSettings) |
pma-voice:radioActive | Triggered when the radio is activated / deactivated | boolean |
pma-voice:setTalkingMode | Triggered on proximity mode change with the voice mode id | int |
Export | Description | Parameter(s) |
setPlayerRadio | Sets the players radio channel | int, int |
setPlayerCall | Sets the players call channel | int, int |
addChannelCheck | Adds a channel check to the players radio channel | int, function |
State Bags
You can access the state with Player(source).state['state bag here']
State Bag | Description | Return Type |
proximity | Returns a table with the mode index, distance, and mode name | table |
radioChannel | Returns the players current radio channel, or 0 for none | int |
callChannel | Returns the players current call channel, or 0 for none | int |
voiceIntent | Returns the players current voice intent, either 'speech' or 'music' | string |
Export | Description | Parameter(s) |
getPlayersInRadioChannel | Gets the current players in a radio channel | int |