
Sample Project is an Android application developed in Kotlin which It utilizes various modern technologies such as: Clean Architecture, MVVM Architecture, Retrofit, Gson, Room, Navigation Component, Coroutines, Flow, ViewModel, Hilt, Glide, View Binding, Dark Theme, Multi Language

Primary LanguageKotlin

Sample Android Project

Everything you need to start a modern, scalable and robust android project. you got everything you need to get started , no more fundamental setup , boring primary configuration and boilerplates.


This Android project template is built using the following technologies:

  • MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architectural pattern
  • Clean Architecture
  • Hilt for dependency injection
  • Coroutines and Flow for asynchronous programming
  • Retrofit for networking
  • Gson for JSON parsing
  • Navigation Component for move between fragments
  • Safe Args
  • View Binding for UI binding
  • Glide
  • Dark Theme
  • Multi Language

Project Structure

The project follows the Clean Architecture principles, organizing code into layers:

  • app: Contains the main Android application module.
  • data: Implements the data layer, including repositories, data sources, and models.
  • domain: Defines the business logic layer, including use cases and domain models.
  • presentation: Implements the presentation layer, including ViewModels, UI components, and data binding.

Dependency Injection

Hilt is used for dependency injection, providing a simple and efficient way to manage dependencies throughout the application. The use of Hilt ensures a modular and testable codebase.

Asynchronous Programming

Coroutines are utilized for handling asynchronous operations in a concise and efficient manner. Coroutines simplify the code by providing structured concurrency and allowing developers to write asynchronous code in a sequential style.

Network Communication

Retrofit is employed for handling network communication, providing a robust and flexible framework for making API requests. Gson is used for JSON parsing, ensuring efficient and reliable serialization and deserialization of data.