# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 David 'Mokon' Bond, All Rights Reserved Mokon Fitness This program takes a xml file with a bunch of statistics about your health and then computes a bunch of additional statistics based on those. I have my config file in cfg/config.xml. Edit that with yours. If you don't know some of your stats just delete that line from the xml file. This program is smart enough to handle missing stats. It will only compute stats when it is able to given what you provide. It will compute the maximum set of those statistics. To build; ./bootstrap && ./configure --disable-debug && make && sudo make install To clean: make clean && make clean-purge There are several prerequisites that must be installed. These include the autotools build programs. If you are a fedora/rh user try: sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' You will also need the devel packages for the following libs installed: glog boost_system boost_program_options boost_filesystem pugixml Please note this program was mainly designed to be extendable. Much of the design choices are slow (e.g. never caching values on parsing). This was a design choice for simplicity as this program runs plenty fast enough as it stands currently.