
The complete rocklegend.org source code of the current rocklegend version.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

GitHub issues


A free and now also open source (GPLv3) online music game.

This README is a work in progress.

Important: The code in this repository is not representative for any best practices of development. It's a side project that grew from a small idea to a project where I could try out new things and at the same time create something entertaining for me and hundreds (now thousands) of other people around the world.


rocklegend was not built as a open source project at first. Documentation is sparse and it's not too easy to set up the project and start to work on it.

These are rough steps which you need to take:

  • Create a .env file based on the example.env and update the data for database etc.
  • Run the following commands:
cd rocklegend
composer install --no-scripts # parameter is required on first install
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
cd build-tools
cd ../public/assets
yarn bower install # @todo remove this once bower is gone
cd ../games/note-highway/develop/player
cd ../editor
cd ../../../build-tools
yarn watch

Why on earth do I need to yarn FOUR times ?

Due to the way the project grew and the fact that I learned many things on the go while developing it, I started with a completely splitted structure for assets, the player and the editor - I never had time to clean this mess up. the grunt hub command was the only thing which I invested some time in because it sucked a lot that I had to grunt watch each of these parts separately.


Pull Requests are very welcome!

If you find any issues, please report them via Github Issues.

