
get football tracking data from TV broadcast using yoloV5, Deep sort

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repo for extracting tracking data from broadcast TV feed using AI to analyze football matches in 3 main steps

1 - Players / ball Detection

we used YOLOv5 PyTorch Hub inference, to load pretrained YoloV5l model,
for more visit: ultralytics/yolov5


2 - Players / ball Tracking

our tracker was built on top of Deep SORT algorithm,
which was implemented in nwojke/deep_sort


3 - Projection to a 2D pitch

we used resnet model trained on many footages of football pitches from sportsfield_release to generate projection matrix to map the TV video into 2D 1080*680 football pitch

Projection1 Projection2

finally after step 3 the tracking data of the TV footage is generated, and could by used to get whatever statistics and insights we want.



#clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/JooZef315/football-tracking-data-from-TV-broadcast
#go to the directory
cd football-tracking-data-from-TV-broadcast/
#install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt # install

pretrained weights

Then Download the pretrained weights for the resnet model from HERE!
Extract all the content of the downloaded 'out.zip', and move the 2 extracted folders to


The basic usage of this repo is to generate tracking data dataframe:

from Detect_and_Track.get_init_data import get_init_data
from projection_2D.get_tracking_data import get_tracking_data

#call get_init_data function with arguments:
#TV video path, a name to name output video and the intial dataframe(with unmapped coordinates relative to TV video),
#and list of two teams colors as described in create_df.py file, and whether or not to save only the frames with the ball detected in them.
get_init_data(path, out_name, teams_colors, ball_only):

#the output video with players and ball tracked, and  the intial dataframe would be saved in Out/
#use them as arguments to get_tracking_data function, to generate the final tracking data dataframe

tracked_frames, bboxes = get_tracking_data(df_path, tracked_video_path, out_name)
#the output is a dataframe with players and ball tracked and mapped to 2D pitch,  which would be saved in "Out/" too.

to use it for players/ball detection only

from Detect_and_Track.demo_detection import detect_demo

#call detect_demo with path of any image of a football match footage, the function would show the image with players and ball detected, and return the coordinates of the bounding boxes


to use it for players/ball detection and tracking only

from Detect_and_Track.get_tracks import get_video_tracks
from Detect_and_Track.create_tracking_boxes_video import create_tracking_boxes_video

#call get_video_tracks with path of any football match footage,
# for more info see Detect_and_Track/get_tracks file
#the function would save new clean video without zoomed in frames in "Out/" folder with the chosen name
get_video_tracks(video_path, output_video_name)

#and to create the video with tracking boxes around players
#the function would save new video with playerrs/ball tracked -each with unique ID-, in "Out/" folder with the chosen name
create_tracking_boxes_video(video_path, output_video_name)

you could generate tracking data,

or play with our demo functions using the jupyter notebook provided here.


This project is licensed under the MIT - see the LICENSE file for details