
druff-loss-function testing

Primary LanguagePython


Repository for automatic segmentation of contrast enhanced (ce) coronary arteries.


  • This projet utilizes the ImageCAS dataset
    • Contains 1000 contrast enhanced CT angiography images with 1000 corresponding coronary artery labels
  • The Hausdorff loss function is utilized throughout the training process
  • The (.....TBD) model is utilized


  • Introduce a state of the art coronary artery segmentation model
    • Measured in terms of dice coefficient, hausdorff distance, overlap, ...
  • Introduce the vendor neutral, GPU optimizzed Hausdorff loss function

virtual environment setup


You should login in to the cluster.
You can be in any node(server). I recommand you to login to the free CPU server.

Install Mini-conda

We are using Mini-conda for enviornment.

  • run cd first to get to the default path.
  • then run the following commands.
  • Before running: if you don't want to install conda to directory /miniconda, change the path in the scripts.
mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh
bash ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
rm -rf ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh

After running the scripts:

  • run ~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash

Now, you should be able to use conda commands.

  • run conda --version to make sure your conda is ready.
  • if you are still not able to use conda commands, try source .bashrc, which restart/refresh the bash shell.

Create Env

  • conda create --name imagecas python=3.9 to create a virtual environment with python version 3.9
  • conda activate imagecas to run the virtual environment
  • conda install pip to install pip package manager for the virtual environment
  • you have to check if you are using the correct pip by pip --version and see the path of the pip. It should be some path that contains miniconda3 like .../miniconda3/env/imagecas...
  • if your pip is not having the correct path, contact Liam. (I think you should delete the pyenv settings in .bashrc or .bash_profile Andrew :))
  • [unnecessary] you can check if you are using the correct python version by python --version and see the path of the pip

Install Dependencies

  • cd to the directory you clone this repo. If you didn't clone the repo, clone it first, then open it in terminal.
  • run pip install -r requirements.txt
  • done :)

Run the project with marimo

  • in your environment, do pip install marimo
  • run marimo edit [filename] --host --port [num] to run the marimo file, an example is marimo edit newTest.py --host --port 1234
  • do ssh port forwarding mentioned in Zulip group chat