
A list of command aliases I use on my system.

Primary LanguageShell

Bash Aliases

Important note: this repository is designed with Slackware in mind, and so there are some Slackware-specific commands aliased here, especially in the root directory.

This repository is a list of command aliases I use on my system. To use these aliases, you must have bash as your default shell. Each folder contains a set of aliases specific to a certain category (misc, pip, slackpkg, etc.).

Most aliases are placed in ~/.bash_aliases, and all of these are located in the generic directory; however, some commands (e.g. slackpkg) require root, and thus must be speficially placed in your root user's version of that file. These are located in the root directory.

If you plan on using root for generic purposes, you can simply include all the aliases in the root file, but I wouldn't recommend executing commands as root unless they require it.

If you have a ~/.bashrc file with the following skeleton,

# Alias definitions.
# You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like
# ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly.

if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
    source ~/.bash_aliases

these aliases should be automatically applied when you load a new console. Else, you can create the file (root aliases will require a version of the file in your root directory, as with ~/.bash_aliases.