
Lightweight dependency injection container for JavaScript/TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Travis npm npm


A lightweight dependency injection container for TypeScript/JavaScript for constructor injection.


Install by npm

npm install --save tsyringe

or install with yarn (this project is developed using yarn)

yarn install --save tsyringe

Modify your tsconfig.json to include the following settings

  "compilerOptions": {
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true



Class decorator factory that allows the class' dependencies to be injected at runtime.


import {decorators} from "tsyringe";
const {injectable} = decorators;

class Foo {
  constructor(private database: Database) {}

// some other file
import {container} from "tsyringe";
import {Foo} from "./foo";

const instance = container.resolve(Foo);


Class decorator factory that registers the class as a singleton within the global container.


import {decorators} from "tsyringe";
const {singleton} = decorators;

class Foo {
  constructor() {}

// some other file
import {container} from "tsyringe";
import {Foo} from "./foo";

const instance = container.resolve(Foo);


Class decorator factory that replaces the decorated class' constructor with a parameterless constructor that has dependencies auto-resolved.

Note Resolution is performed using the global container


import {decorators} from "tsyringe";
const {autoInjectable} = decorators;

class Foo {
  constructor(private database?: Database) {}

// some other file
import {Foo} from "./foo";

const instance = new Foo();

Notice how in order to allow the use of the empty constructor new Foo(), we need to make the parameters optional, e.g. database?: Database


Parameter decorator factory that allows for interface and other non-class information to be stored in the constructor's metadata


import {decorators} from "tsyringe";
const {injectable, inject} = decorators;

interface Database {
  // ...

class Foo {
  constructor(@inject("Database") private database?: Database) {}

Full examples

Example without interfaces

Since classes have type information at runtime, we can resolve them without any extra information.

// Foo.ts
export class Foo {}
// Bar.ts
import {Foo} from "./Foo";
import {decorators} from "tsyringe";
const {injectable} = decorators;

export class Bar {
  constructor(public myFoo: Foo) {}
// main.ts
import {container} from "tsyringe";
import {Bar} from "./Bar";

const myBar = container.resolve(Bar);
// myBar.myFoo => An instance of Foo

Example with interfaces

Interfaces don't have type information at runtime, so we need to decorate them with @inject(...) so the container knows how to resolve them.

// SuperService.ts
export interface SuperService {
  // ...
// TestService.ts
import {SuperService} from "./SuperService";
export class TestService implements SuperService {
// Client.ts
import {decorators} from "tsyringe";
const {injectable, inject} = decorators;

export class Client {
  constructor(@inject("SuperService") private service: SuperService) {}
// main.ts
import {Client} from "./Client";
import {TestService} from "./TestService";
import {container} from "tsyringe";

  "SuperService", {
  useClass: TestService

const client = container.resolve(Client);
// client's dependencies will have been resolved


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This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.