
Broken thumb on large detailed object files.

Gareee opened this issue · 18 comments

I sliced a very detailed object and saved the slice. The thumb would not display on the neptune 3 max.
I attempted a re slice with the same issue, andvtried a resave just in case the save was corrupt.
The resave didn't work, but the file size was significantly larger. I kept reading with only numbers filename changes, and each save was larger, but none would display the thumb size.
I suspect either the thumb has a size restriction, or the thumbnail plug in doesn't work with highly detailed objects. (It takes 5-10 minutes to slice.)

interesting error. Do you haver a Cura Project file for me? Also a G-code File might help me to analyze the error, too.

I am not sure, but just try. Otherwise you can just drag and drop them when answering to this issue on GitHub :D

Hi, just sent you an access request on google drive. Let me know when you accepted so I can let you know when I downloaded :D

Okay, I downloaded it. I will get back to you as soon as I found time to analyze it

Okay, so current state is that I found out, that every slice seems to add a thumbnail to the G-code so that in the end there are multiple thumbnails in the G-code. I don't know how to fix it yet and the no-display error could be part of it, but I just wanted to let you know, that I am working on it

Oh interesting, so you contacted the Elegoo support and they redirected you to me?
I just published a new release here on GitHub ( it fixes the file size increase bug. Feel free to install it and check if the thumbnail now also displays correctly.
Best regards

Thanks for the detailed description on what happened. I always love to hear such things. I am happy to hear your feedback after you tested the new version :)

Hi, just wanted to know whether you have testes the newest version and if it fixes the bug so I can close the issue

Okay. I will close the issue for now, feel free to still give me feedback if the bug was fixed

Oh okay, no problem :)