
Uses an AVR microcontroller as a UART to Switch adapter.

Primary LanguageC


This allows an AVR with native USB support to mimick a wired Switch controller. A different device tells the AVR what buttons/joysticks to press over UART. It uses a default baud of 115200, but this can be edited in the makefile.


This can be used to easily make a custom controller using any computer. A desktop can talk to it through a UART adapter, an Arduino Uno can be used as a custom controller (see the arduino_library folder), etc.

A way to easily flash devices with a DFU bootloader can be found in the flash_helper/ folder.

UART Commands

Commands are purely used for button presses. A 4-bit address is sent alongside the 8-bit corresponding value, split between two 8-bit packets. It is sent like so: aaaavvvv 0000vvvv

Where aaaa is the 4-bit address , and vvvv vvvv is the 8-bit value to be written to that address, split in half. 0000 is required.

So say you want to set the left joystick y-axis to 0x3C. The address 0x05 = 0b0101, the value is 0x3C = 0b00111100. The first byte is the address shifted right by 4 and the upper 4 bits of the value downshifted, so 0b01010011. The second byte is the lower 4 bits of the value, so 0b00001100. 0b01010011 0b00001100 = 0x53 0x0C.

There are a few other UART Switch projects out there with more human-readable command set, but this is very efficient and easy to program.

Address Map

Address Name Description Unpressed Value
01h BTN_0 Buttons such as Minus, Home, and Capture. 00h
02h BTN_1 Buttons such as A, B, and X. 00h
03h HAT Directional pad. 08h
04h LX Left joystick x-axis. 80h
05h LY Left joystick y-axis. 80h
06h RX Right joystick x-axis. 80h
07h RY Right joystick y-axis. 80h

00h - BTN_0

Presses or releases the button. 0 is release, 1 is press.

Bit Button
7:6 [reserved]

01h - BTN_1

Presses or releases the button. 0 is release, 1 is press.

Bit Button
7 ZR
6 ZL
5 R
4 L
3 X
2 A
1 B
0 Y

02h - HAT

Control the Directional Pad (d-pad).

Value Direction
00h Up
01h Up-Right
02h Right
03h Down-Right
04h Down
05h Down-Left
06h Left
07h Up-Left
08h Neutral


Registers 03h through 06h control the joysticks. 00h corresponds to completely left/down, 80h is neutral, and FFh is completely right/up.