
MolySite is a Ruby on Rails Application using RVM for Ruby Version Managment, and Bundler for Gem Dependency Management. For more indepth information about the development and philosophy of MolySite please reference the github wiki page

Development Guidelines

Please take the utmost care when following these guidelines, as these act as a foundation for the projects development.


MolySite uses the branching system as described by Vincent Driessen called 'A successful Git branching model'.

Please be careful as you take this branching policy in as habit, as once a commit is pushed to origin(github) its not fun to edit the history.


Commit messages should avoid the use of past-tense. A commit does not Added files, a commit Adds a file. Commits should reflect actions as they happen, and not history.

Quick Start Guide

Setup directions vary per platform, this following guide should walk through Unix based installs.

Note: While it is considered by to possible to do Rails development on Windows, its really not. What you can do is install a linux virtual machine and work out of that rather seamlessly.

Install Git

# Make sure your system is up-to-date
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get install git

Install RVM

sudo apt-get install curl
\curl https://raw.github.com/wayneeseguin/rvm/master/binscripts/rvm-installer | bash -s stable

Warning: RVM may give you addition install instructions like modifing your ~/.bash_profile . Make sure you pay attention and do it. Then restart your terminal prompt to allow the newly install scripts to take effect.

The following command will give you a list of apt-get commands that you need to run inorder to install all the rvm dependencies.

rvm requirments

Clone The Repo

Once the git repo is pulled, simply navigate to the repo. RVM should ask you if you want to accept the .rvmrc file, which will then trigger bundle install. Then make sure to switch the the develop branch and setup your default push behavior.

git clone https://github.com/MolyJamCollective/MolySite.git
cd MolySite
# > Yes to use rvmrc

git checkout develop
git push -u origin develop
# > Enter username
# > Enter password

Installing Gem Dependencies

The gem paperclip requires imagemagick to be installed. For OSX installation:

brew install imagemagick

Setup Database

Now you must config and setup your database settings. Copy over the example configuration, edit it if necessary and allow rails to setup the database.

cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
# Edit config/database.yml if needed
rake db:setup

Setup Amazon S3 uploader using Fog

The user file uploader and attachments system requires

cp config/fog.yml.example config/fog.yml
# Edit config/fog.yml if needed (optional)

Test Application

Everything should be up and working at this point, to start the rails app server run rails s and navigate to http://localhost:3000/