
my dotfiles configuration for macos machine

Primary LanguageLua

MomePP's dotfiles

Requires Homebrew to be installed



Runs neovim-installer.sh script to install neovim with MomePP's configuration.



Most of the keybindings can be modified in keymaps.lua.


All the installed plugins are listed in plugins/init.lua or plugins/

Fish shell

Need to install fish and fisher(packages manager)


brew install fish   # install fish shell
chsh -s /bin/fish   # set default shell to fish


curl -sL https://git.io/fisher | source && fisher install jorgebucaran/fisher   # install fisher
fisher update   # install all listed plugins in `fish_plugins`


Needs to install tmux and tmp(tmux plugins manager)

Already configured with following keybindings

  • Session - follow by uppercase-letter
  • Window - follow by Ctrl-key to hold
  • Pane - follow by lowercase-letter
Actions Session Window Pane
new <prefix>N <prefix><C-n> <prefix>n
next <prefix>J or <prefix>O <prefix><C-j> or <prefix><C-o> <prefix>j or <prefix>o
previous <prefix>K <prefix><C-k> <prefix>k
kill <prefix>X <prefix><C-x> <prefix>x
Note about tmux terminfo

the correct way to set up tmux terminfo on macOS, we need to compile the description by using infocmp from latest ncurses → Ref. Notes

If you are using kitty terminal, needed to set terminfo to xterm-kitty. otherwise, the undercurl is not usable.

# install latest ncurses
brew install ncurses

# export tmux terminfo
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/ncurses/<version>/bin/infocmp tmux-256color > ~/tmux-256color.info

# compiling terminfo description to system database
sudo tic -xe tmux-256color ~/tmux-256color.info

fyabai : window tilling manager

Using yabai forked by FelixKratz

To remove old installed yabai : issue-comment

brew services stop yabai
brew uninstall yabai
killall yabai
brew tap FelixKratz/formulae
brew install fyabai --head
sudo yabai --uninstall-sa # don't forgot to unload old sa
sudo yabai --load-sa
brew services start fyabai