
MKPersianFont is a great API for developers who need use Persian fonts in their applications this API support TTF font format including “IranNastaliq” and other Persian fonts .

Primary LanguageObjective-C


MKPersianFont is a great API for developers who need use Persian fonts in their applications this API support TTF font format including “IranNastaliq” and other Persian fonts .


Download and watch this installation tutorial : MKPersianFont video tutorial

#Getting Started

Import MKPersianFont class into your header file : #import "MKPersianFont.h" ... and implementing the MKPersianFont protocol:

	myFont = [[MKPersianFont alloc]init]
	[myFont setPersianFont:@"fontName" withText:@"yourText" fontSize:30 textAlignment:CENTER textWrapped:YES fontColor:[UIColor blackColor]];
	[myFont setFrame:CGRectMake….];
	[self.view addSubview:myFont];
	[myFont release];

#Add Following Frameworks


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