
Allow live connection between Omniverse Lidar simulation and third party software supporting Lidar protocols

Primary LanguagePowerShellOtherNOASSERTION

MF Lidar live synthetic data [mf.ov.lidar_live_synth]

Adds an Action Graph Node ("Generic/Beam to Ouster UDP") to send Isaac beam data via the Ouster(tm) UDP procotol. This allows any third party software implementing Ouster(tm) lidars to be connected to simulated sensors instead of physical sensors.

Developped for kit 105.1 and currently working only in Isaac Sim. This extensions provides pre-built binaries for Windows and Linux x86_64. You may want to compile from the source code


  • kit 105 based
  • Isaac Sim > 2023.1.0
  • Linux or Windows platforms

Supported Lidars

Currently, only Ouster™ sensors are supported.

The Lidar must have 16, 32, 64 or 128 rows to be supported by the procotol.

Lidar FOVs and resolutions are not transmitted in the protocol and therefore should match those of an actual Ouster(tm) model (22.5, 45 or 90 degrees FOV) for an accurate reconstruction by the receiving software.

JSON config files that describe the angles of the beams for an external application are included in the 'data' folder (example : OusterJsonConfigOmniverse-OS0-16.json). These files can be used in Cirrus as the Ouster(tm) Json Config file to properly recronstruct the data with the correct beam angles. OS0 are 90 degrees FOV, OS1 are 45 and OS2 are 22.5.



  • Run ./build.bat


  • Install Docker
  • Run ./build.sh

Using the extension

Requires Isaac Sim as well as a third party software that can receive and parse Ouster Lidar sensors frames.

You can use the isaac_lidar_sample_moving_cube.usd, or isaac_lidar_ouster_sample.usd, or create your own following the instructions below.

Enable the extension

In Isaac Sim :

  • Windows > Extensions.
  • Switch to THIRD PARY tab.
  • Install and enable the extension.

In Isaac Sim:

  1. Open or create a scene

    • Meshes requires a Rigidbody to intercept Lidar raycast
    • Right-click a mesh, then select Add / Physics / Rigid Body
  2. Add a Lidar to the scene if not present

    • Create / Isaac / Sensors / Lidar / Generic
    • Unfold Raw USD Properties
    • Check drawPoints and/or drawLines if you want to see the point cloud
    • Check the enabled property
    • Use horizontalFov, horizontalResolution. maxRange, minRange, verticalFov, and verticalResolution to define the Lidar raycast zone
    • set rotationRate to 0 if you want continuous raycast
  3. Create an action graph

    • Right-click the Stage, then select Create / Visual Scripting / Action Graph
    • Right-click the Action Graph then select "Open Graph"
    • Add a Event / On Playback Tick node
    • Add a Isaac Range Sensor / Isaac Read Lidar Beam Node
    • Connect the "Tick" output to the "Exec In" input
    • Add a Generic / Beam to Ouster UDP node
    • Connect the "Exec Out" output to the "Exec In" input
    • Connect the outputs of Isaac Read Lidar Beam Node to the matching Beam to Ouster UDP inputs
      • Azimuth Range
      • Horizontal Resolution
      • Linear Depth Data
      • Num Cols
      • Num Rows
  4. Press the play icon (SPACE) to begin the simulation

Beam to Ouster UDP fields

  • IP Address (string): The IP address to send the data to.
  • Port (int): The port to send the data to.
  • Broadcast (bool): Check to indicate the IP Address is a broadcast address.

Developer notes

As the extension is written in C++ for performance reasons, developers need to build it before using it. Most of it works in the same way as the official Omniverse C++ examples.

The first step is to run the build.bat file at the root of the repo. It will generate the actual extension files usable by Omniverse, as well as the Visual Studio files. It is recommended to work in Visual Studio (2019 and above) for C++, although VSCode should also work. The build.bat script generates the VS2019 .sln files in _compiler\vs2019\kit-extension-template-cpp.sln . It should work as-is. Do not upgrade the compiler and Windows SDK versions if asked to do so, and install the correct Windows SDK for the VS Installer if it is missing on your machine.

Unlike the samples, we do not recommend running the project by launching it via Visual Studio, since the extension is made specifically for Isaac Sim, and Visual Studio doesnt launch it within an Isaac Sim environment. It is recommended to run Isaac and attach the VS debugger to it by going to Debug -> Attach to Process and selecting the kit.exe coresponding to Isaac. Make sure to attach to Native Code. If you have the "Python - Profiling" extension, it might want to try to attach to Python code instead. One thing to note is that the symbols for the extension will only be loaded IF the extension is enabled after attaching. If the extension is already enabled, disabling then enabling it will also work. Also, to update the extension in Isaac after doing some changes and building, it needs to be disabled and enabled again (The extension willl probably fail to build if it is in use as the dll cannot be overwritten anyways).

To add the extension to Isaac, simply add the built plugin folder (c:/git/omniverse/omniverse-lidar-synthetic-data/_build/windows-x86_64/release/exts or c:/git/omniverse/omniverse-lidar-synthetic-data/_build/windows-x86_64/debug/exts for a debug build) to the extension manager paths.
