Accessibility Week Challenge (60 minutes)


Get a score of (or close to) 100 on Google lighthouse (or your browser's equivalent)

Bonus points: Make the site look nice!

Don't forget: research what you don't know and ask for help when you're totally stuck.

Tools you'll need

  1. An IDE
  2. Add an extension that will allow you to run your server locally. (i.e. For VSCode you can use Live Server.)

How to complete this challenge

  1. Fork this repo by clicking the Fork button above.
  2. Open the index.html in your IDE and run it on your local browser (by using Live Server extension)
  3. To check the accessibility score open up the inspector tool (or your browser's equivalent) > Lighthouse > Select the accessibility tickbox in Categories > Analyze page load. This should give you a accessibility score and show you the issues lighthouse has found.
  4. Work through the list of issues by fixing index.html to increase the score till you get to 100! There are helpful links on each listed issue to help guide you.
  5. Feel free to add some css to make the site look pretty (you can even replace the picture if you're not fond of cats).
  6. Finally, send your github repo link with the final solution to to be one of the winners that will join the Accessibility Committee's hall of fame! 🏆

Good luck and have fun! 😁