

Primary LanguageJavaScript

IoT Link Nexus Project

The IoT Link Nexus project is a web application built using Next.js and Node.js, enabling users to monitor and control IoT devices through Firebase Realtime/Firestore. The project includes features such as user authentication, real-time data display, error logging, and the ability to capture and download snapshots of the dashboard.


  • If you want to upgrade it or like to add some features or want to do any enhancement, please feel free to fork or create your own feature branch and raise a pull request. I'ld be glad to new features on top of it. Thank you.

Table of Contents


  • User authentication with Firebase.
  • Real-time data display for humidity and temperature from IoT devices.
  • Toggle switch to control live status of IoT devices.
  • Error logging with detailed error information.
  • Snapshot capture and download functionality for the dashboard.
  • Redis caching implemented.
  • Internationalization to support local languages.

Project Structure

The project is divided into the following components and utilities:


  • (auth): For login & register.
  • api: Contains server related actions.
  • components: Contains UI components.
  • constants: Contains constant files.
  • libs: Libraries.
  • pages: Contains different pages of the web application.
  • redux: Redux store configuration and slices.
  • utils: Contains multiple utility files.
  • firebase: Firebase configuration file.
  • public: Contains images and shared data.


  • i18n: Internationalization server.
  • locales: Contains JSON language files.
  • middleware: for error logging.
  • webSocket: webSocket server.


  • micropython files to get temperature and humidity data.

How to set Rules for Firebase

In Firebase Real-time Database you can set rules to prevent un-authorised access. Below is some example how you can restrict. It can be made more complex according to project need.

  "rules": {
    ".read": false,
    ".write": false,

    "power": {
      ".read": true, // Allow read access to the "power" key
      ".write": true // Allow write access to the "power" key

    "sensor": {
      ".read": true, // Allow read access to the "sensor" key
      ".write": true // Allow write access to the "sensor" key

How to Run

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Virtuallified/IoT_Link_Nexus.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd iot-link-nexus

  3. Install dependencies: npm install

  4. Create a .env.local file in the root directory and add your Firebase configuration: NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_SECRET_KET=your-secret-key NEXT_PUBLIC_REDIS_URL=your-redis-connection-url

  5. Run the Next.js app (Client): npm run dev

  6. Run the Node.js app (Server): npm start | - production npm hotreload | - development

  7. Access the app at http://localhost:3000.

  8. To try out different languages in DEV, please follow the steps below -

    • Open Chrome
    • Goto Inspect element
    • Click: triple dots (...)
    • Click: More tools
    • Click: Sensors
    • Select location Others...
    • Enter en or bn, etc in locale

How to Deploy as a Containerized App

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose on your system.

  2. Build the Docker images:

    docker-compose build

  3. Start the multi-container application:

    docker-compose up -d

  4. Access the Next.js app at http://localhost/.

  5. Communicate with the Node.js app with Socket.IO & i18n agent at 3011 & 3012 port accordingly..

  6. To stop and remove the containers while preserving data volumes:

    docker-compose down

    To remove the containers and associated volumes:

    docker-compose down -v


  1. Dashboard


  1. Running on Docker Container



The IoT Link Nexus project provides an efficient and user-friendly way to manage IoT devices, monitor data in real-time, and capture snapshots of the dashboard. Whether you want to run it in a normal environment or containerized using Docker, this project simplifies the process of IoT device management.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.


Special thanks to the contributors and open-source libraries that made this project possible.


Please feel free to contribute and add your own features to the project if you like to enrich the repo.