
A tutorial about how to write a structured Emacs configuration in literate programming

Primary LanguageMakefile

Literal Emacs configuration tutorial


The goal

In our world, there are two main ways to manage your Emacs configuration:

  • one and only one configuration file (for the minimalists)
  • several files that separate configuration tasks and goals (for the arrangement maniacs)

And there are two main ways to write your Emacs configuration:

  • write pure emacs lisp code
  • write prose that embed emacs lisp code that is extracted afterwards by a “generator”. This is called ”literate programming

We will see here how to generate an Emacs configuration organized in several files using the literate programming approch.

The tools

In order to reach our goal, we will use:

  • Emacs (thanks, genious)
  • org-mode to extract emacs lisp code from a literal file. Org mode is an amazing tool “for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system”.
  • a Makefile to generate the final emacs lisp code (but you can do it with a shell script or even by hand in your terminal)


This is just a proof of concept.

It is not a document about Emacs configuration but just a way to write, generate, organize and deal with your Emacs preferences.

If you want to learn more about the editor’s configuration itself, please refer to the Emacs for developers tutorial.

The workflow

Here is the menu:

  1. Write a .org file with code blocks and literal comments
  2. Generate some emacs lisp code thanks to the Makefile (one command line. Period.)
  3. Load the newly generated configuration in Emacs

The input is (in the demo folder provided with this repository):

  • one emacs.org file
  • one Makefile

The output is:

  • one emacs.el file (generated from the org file)
  • several emacs lisp files (also generated from the org file)
    • lisp/common.el that setup all the common configuration variables
    • lisp/packages.el that installs every external packages you need
    • lisp/hooks.el that gather all hooks
    • one lisp/vendor folder where the Emacs internal package manager will download and store the packages (can be tweaked from the Emacs configuration itself)

Of course, this nomenclature is an example and a dummy one and you are free to change and adapt it to your own needs and wills. I encourage you to do so and experiment by yourself. Let’s hack this tutorial!

The org file

The general idea

The idea is to write a emacs.org file, with comments (regular text) and code (that will engender the Emacs final configuration).

The prose (or “comments”, a.ka. “regular text”) is written like in any regular text file. No need to encapsulate it in any kind of tag. I let you take a look at the org-mode syntax documentation if you do not know it already.

The code blocks is the interesting parts. It will, after the “generator” pass, produce some emacs lisp code that IS (will be) your Emacs configuration. They are surrended by tags that indicate to the “generator” what kind of code it is and what is their final location.

To sum up:

  1. we write a regular org file with all text we want
  2. we embed some code blocks and tell in which file the code will be located
  3. we use the “generator” against this .org file to produce the final Emacs configuration

Easy as pie.

The file content

Emacs has a very powerful and large range of configuration variables/functions. It all depends on your usage of the editor and on your patience to read the documentation.

Let’s imagine you want to put all your common configuration in a single file that will be executed in a first place, before everything else in your configuration chain.

For this, we need to write some code blocks whose code will be generated in the lisp/common.el file. For this, let’s see an example:

>    #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle lisp/common.el
>    (setq debug-on-error t)
>    (setq user-full-name "My name"
>          user-mail-address "my.name@mail.com")
>    #+end_src

Note: remove the ‘>’ characters in the begining of each lines

First, let’s focus on the begin_src tag line.

  • it begins by begin_src and ends by end_src that tells the “generator” that the text between is code
  • it provides the language type to generate. Here, we want emacs-lisp
  • and, with the :tangle argument (lisp/common.el here, but it can be whatever you want), it tells where the final code should be placed

Of course, we can multiply the code blocks to the infinite. The idea is to separate the code blocks by literal comments in order to tidy them AND to take advantage of the power of the outline concept of org-mode.


And look at its raw content to see how it is written.

The Makefile

The Makefile will help us, with one command to generate and execute the emacs lisp code.

The key is to write a rule that will call Emacs with some code in argument:

  • Require the org-mode package
  • Use the function org-babel-load-file to parse the file, extract the code blocks content and execute it

Here is the command line if you want to run it by yourself (in the demo folder of this repository, for example):

emacs --batch --eval "(require 'org)" --eval "(org-babel-load-file \"emacs.org\")"


Here are the simple command you can run:

  • make to generate the emacs lisp code
  • make test to test the generated emacs lisp configuration
  • make clean to clean up everything and be ready to begin from zero

Note that if you change something in your emacs.org file, you must run make again. And you should NEVER edit the emacs.el generated file.


In order to test this proof of concept or your own literal configuration attempt, let’s follow these very easy steps:

  1. Type make to generate the emacs.el final file and all the lisp/*.el files
  2. Type emacs -Q -l emacs.el to try it out. The -Q option anihilate all other configuration and the -l option make this precise emacs.el file the main configuration file

You should have a brand new configured Emacs running now.

Of course the sample Makefile provides a make test rule to automate this.


Once you have tweaked and adpated everything to your needs, you may want to make this emacs.el your default configuration file.

Here is a very easy workaround to achieve this: create a ~/.emacs file and set its content to (load-file "/path/to/the/dir/that/contains/the/generated/emacs.el")

Then, when you launch Emacs, it will load the new generated emacs.el file!


As you can see, the method is here, but all the work belongs to you.

You MUST write and try your own Emacs configuration since it MUST fit YOUR needs.

Writing in literate programming is a demarche that requires some time but can bring you a lot benefits in term of organization and readability, especially with the Emacs users gift that is org-mode.

If you want to see a real-world example that is used every day, you can see my own Emacs configuration repository here. It might differ a little bit from this tutorial in term of shape but the idea is exactly the same.