
Deep learning based video sensing method for low-power IoT cameras (Smart glasses, GoPro, Blink etc.).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

NeuriCam: Key-Frame Video Super-Resolution and Colorization for IoT Cameras (MobiCom 2023)

Gradio demo Gradio demo

A system based on key-frame video super-reosolution and colorization to achieve low-power video capture from dual-mode IOT cameras. This repository holds code for the model, NeuriCam-net, that runs on an edge receiver. NeuriCam-net reconstructs a high-reoslution color video from low-resolution grayscale stream, using periodic high-resolution key-frames.


System overview

Our dual mode IoT camera system captures low-resolution gray-scale video from a low- power camera and reconstructs high-resolution color frames using the heavily duty cycled high-resolution key-frames. The real-time neural network runs on an edge device (e.g., router) that is not power constrained.


  1. Create and activate a python environment with Python 3.7 or higher:

     conda create --name neuricam python=3.7
     conda activate neuricam
  2. Install requirements:

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. mmcv-full is a requirement for the model. Installation of mmcv-full is tricky, because it needs the cuda version to be exactly the same as the one pytorch is compiled with and needs a reasobaly old g++ (>=5.0.0, <=8.0.0). So if step 2 fails to install mmcv-full successfully, you might have to run:

     CUDA_HOME=<path to cuda 10.2> pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Download pretrained model (pretrained.pth.tar) to experiments/bix4_keyvsrc_attn/ directory.

  2. Download spynet weights to model/keyvsrc.

  3. Evaluate:

     python evaluate.py --lr_dir=<path to LR dir> --key_dir=<path to Key dir> --target_dir=<ground-truth HR dir> --model_dir=experiments/bix4_keyvsrc_attn --restore_file=pretrained --file_fmt=<file format eg., "%08d.png">


  1. Training the model:

     python train.py --train_lr_dir=<> --train_target_dir=<> --val_lr_dir=<> --val_target_dir=<> --model_dir=experiments/bix4_keyvsrc_attn

Data Format

Each training or an evaluation run works on a 3 sets of videos avaialble in the following format:

└── lr-set                 └── key-set                └── hr-set             
    ├── my-cat-video           ├── my-cat-video           ├── my-cat-video
    │   ├── frame0.png         │   ├── frame0.png         │   ├── frame0.png
    │   ├── frame1.png         │   ├── frame15.png        │   ├── frame1.png
    │   ├── frame2.png         │   ├── frame30.png        │   ├── frame2.png
    │   ...                    │   ...                    │   ...
    ├── my-cat-vs-dog-video    ├── my-cat-vs-dog-video    ├── my-cat-vs-dog-video
    │   ├── frame0.png         │   ├── frame0.png         │   ├── frame0.png
    │   ├── frame1.png         │   ├── frame15.png        │   ├── frame1.png
    │   ├── frame2.png         │   ├── frame30.png        │   ├── frame2.png
    │   ...                    │   ...                    │   ...
    ...                        ...                        ...                         

Paths to lr-set, key-set and hr-set have to be provided to respective flags in the train and eval commands above.