
A simple Laravel/VueJs web app for movie showcase, review, ratings and discussions.

Primary LanguagePHP

Circle CI Test


Technology Stack and Tools

  • Laravel
  • Vue JS
  • MySQL
  • Twitter Bootsrap
  • Axios HTTP Client
  • PHPUnit
  • Circle CI


  • Pagination
  • Login/Register System
  • Movie Rating

Set up Instruction

  • Clone the repo
  • CD into the directory you just cloned and type touch .env to create a new .env file
  • After that, copy all contents within the .env.example file into the newly created .env file and save
  • Install composer by running composer install
  • After that, Run

    php artisan key:generate to generate a new key for development purposes.

  • Open PHPMyAdmin or whichever tool you use and create a new mysql database
  • Open .env file and add the settings for the database in the appropriate section
  • To avoid issues due to cache, you can run php artisan cache:clear and php artisab config:clear to clear off any cached files.
  • Run database migrations with php artisan migrate
  • Install Laravel passport by running php artisan passport:install
  • Run the database seeder with php artisan db:seed

Please Note:

  • Instead of using the default faker Image class to generate images, I used a custom class I created. The server generating the images for Faker is sometimes down or very slow. Faker by default uses http://lorempixel.com/ for fetching images on the fly. I am generating mine from https://picsum.photos. It's sharper and faster.
  • I injected the implementation into a Helper Class called Utility and referenced it whenever I need to generate a new image. You may decide to abstract it or use it as a trait if you wish.
  • If everything works fine, then run php artisan serve
  • Copy the url and visit it on your web browser.


  • Pexels.com -Stock photos
  • Pixabay.com -Stock photos

PHP Unit Test


This software is open-sourced software and licensed under the MIT license.