In a country of Coderland, EMI for Home loan is calculated based on interest rate, principal and loan tenure. The EMI calculates based on the below formula,
where E is EMI and P is Principal Loan Amount
If you borrow ₹10,00,000 from the bank at 10.5% annual interest for a period of 10 years (i.e., 120 months), then EMI = ₹10,00,000 * 0.00875 * (1 + 0.00875)120 / ((1 + 0.00875)120 -1) = ₹13,493. i.e., you will have to pay ₹13,493 for 120 months to repay the entire loan amount. The total amount payable will be ₹13,493 * 120 = ₹16,19,220 that includes ₹6,19,220 as interest toward the loan.
Write a web application that can accept these as a user input,
principal, interest rate, loan tenure
The application should show Loan EMI, Total Interest Payable & Total Payment. The application also should show each year (Including months) payable/paid EMI breakup.
For a reference, you can refer
Please consider these tasks when you are building this application,
EMI calculation should be visible on every change
Do not use any third part component library to build the UI.
Only for showing chart, you can use a third party library.
The application should not be identical to