Drill Y-42 Download on itch - Project Page


In this steampunk themed endless runner, you explore a long forgotten mine and pierce your way deeper through the tunnels with a gigantic drill machine. But beware: the tunnel is collapsing behind you! Gather resources, craft upgrades and keep your drill running before you get buried. Oh, and say hello to old George Crocker if you meet him.

Key Informations:

Engine: Unity 2022.3.1f1

Team Size: 9 people

Platform: PC

Genre: Endless Runner with Resource Management

Participation Duration: 10 weeks

Release: 16.08.2023

Number of Players: Single Player

Role in the team

  • Lead Engineer
  • Procedural Generation
  • Tool Programming
  • UI Programmer
  • Profiling

Tasks in the project

Learnings taken

  • Generation needs a lot of planning.
    • Do not rely on physics engine for generation.
  • Really rely on either FMOD or Unity Sound, try not to mix them.
  • First work experience with Perforce.
  • Generation is very intensive and should either be hidden behind loading or very quickly very fast very parallel.
