Firstview UI Developers Test

This is a test that will help us review the quality of work for UI developers. This test is for developers ranging from Juniors - Seniors.


  • Submit your CV to (Ignore this step if a recruiter has already contacted us).
  • Fork this repository to your own account.
  • Develop your application on your own.
  • Submit your name, and URL to your repository for checking.


Develop a responsive landing page that contains a vertically and horizontally centered form with the following fields:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Date Selector
  • Password

The form does not need to be functional, but spoofing a send so we can assess a successful sumbission would be beneficial. We encourage using a frontend framework like Bootstrap.

Assessment Points

You will be assesed on the approach, quality, efficiency, visual style, interactions and animations. The usage of modern practices will be benificial. You are free to make use of any other frontend frameworks/tools you see fit.

Optional Extra tasks

  • Making the form submit to the entered email address
  • Fancy embellishments to show off your skills