
AWS CloudFormation Templates for Elixir Build and Application Nodes

AWS CloudFormation Templates for Erlang/Elixir Build and Application nodes



A build server with Erlang, Elixir and node.js installed via asdf, e.g. to build Phoenix project releases with edeliver.

In principle a server built with this template need not be restricted to Elixir builds, there's nothing special apart from the installation of various tools needed for building Elixir applications.


A node configured with a user and init scripts for running a stand-alone Elixir app, as packaged by distillary and installed by edeliver.

Apart from the init scripts, again, there's nothing special here; in this case, we don't even install Erlang, since were targeting stand-alone applications.

The init script creates a user with the same name as the system-code given to the template. The template also requires the Erlang/Elixir application name so it can run the application script created by edeliver, e.g. if your Erlang application name is myapp and the system-code is my-app-svc then the user created on the node will be my-app-svc (with home directory /home/my-app-svc), and the application start-up script (to be created by distillary and installed by edeliver) is expected to be called ~myapp/distributions/myapp/bin/myapp.

Jenkins & edeliver

edeliver uses ssh to build on the build server, and scp to copy builds to the application servers.

In order to do this, the Jenkins user public key must be installed in the .ssh/authorized_keys file of the build user on the build node, and the application user (e.g. my-app-svc) on application nodes, with the correct user-read-only permissions (e.g. 700 on the .ssh directory, and 600 on the file).