From the MoneyTools team. The readonly flutter edition of the app
This is the Flutter version of MoneyTools
Build, Run the app and when stared tap/click "Use Demo Data"
This app builds and run on all platforms
- iOS
- Android
- MacOS
- Windows
- Web
- Linux - (Not tested but should work)
cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
--- --------- ------------- ------- ---------- --
0 Id INT 0 1
1 Pattern nvarchar(255) 1 0
2 Flags INT 1 0
3 AccountId nchar(20) 1 0
cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
--- ---------------------- ---------------- ------- ---------- --
0 Id INT 0 1
1 AccountId nchar(20) 0 0
2 OfxAccountId nvarchar(50) 0 0
3 Name nvarchar(80) 1 0
4 Description nvarchar(255) 0 0
5 Type INT 1 0
6 OpeningBalance money 0 0
7 Currency nchar(3) 0 0
8 OnlineAccount INT 0 0
9 WebSite nvarchar(512) 0 0
10 ReconcileWarning INT 0 0
11 LastSync datetime 0 0
12 SyncGuid uniqueidentifier 0 0
13 Flags INT 0 0
14 LastBalance datetime 0 0
15 CategoryIdForPrincipal INT 0 0
16 CategoryIdForInterest INT 0 0
cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
--- ------- ------------- ------- ---------- --
0 Id INT 0 1
1 Pattern nvarchar(255) 1 0
2 Flags INT 1 0
3 Payee INT 1 0
cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
--- ----------- ------------- ------- ---------- --
0 Id INT 0 1
1 ParentId INT 0 0
2 Name nvarchar(80) 1 0
3 Description nvarchar(255) 0 0
4 Type INT 1 0
5 Color nchar(10) 0 0
6 Budget money 0 0
7 Balance money 0 0
8 Frequency INT 0 0
9 TaxRefNum INT 0 0
cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
--- ----------- ------------ ------- ---------- --
0 Id INT 0 1
1 Symbol nchar(20) 1 0
2 Name nvarchar(80) 1 0
3 Ratio money 0 0
4 LastRatio money 0 0
5 CultureCode nvarchar(80) 0 0
cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
--- -------------- ------ ------- ---------- --
0 Id bigint 0 1
1 Security INT 1 0
2 UnitPrice money 1 0
3 Units money 0 0
4 Commission money 0 0
5 MarkUpDown money 0 0
6 Taxes money 0 0
7 Fees money 0 0
8 Load money 0 0
9 InvestmentType INT 1 0
10 TradeType INT 0 0
11 TaxExempt bit 0 0
12 Withholding money 0 0
cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
--- --------- ------------- ------- ---------- --
0 Id INT 1 0
1 AccountId INT 1 0
2 Date datetime 1 0
3 Principal money 0 0
4 Interest money 0 0
5 Memo nvarchar(255) 0 0
cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
--- ----------------- -------------- ------- ---------- --
0 Id INT 0 1
1 Name nvarchar(80) 1 0
2 Institution nvarchar(80) 0 0
3 OFX nvarchar(255) 0 0
4 OfxVersion nchar(10) 0 0
5 FID nvarchar(50) 0 0
6 UserId nchar(20) 0 0
7 Password nvarchar(50) 0 0
8 UserCred1 nvarchar(200) 0 0
9 UserCred2 nvarchar(200) 0 0
10 AuthToken nvarchar(200) 0 0
11 BankId nvarchar(50) 0 0
12 BranchId nvarchar(50) 0 0
13 BrokerId nvarchar(50) 0 0
14 LogoUrl nvarchar(1000) 0 0
15 AppId nchar(10) 0 0
16 AppVersion nchar(10) 0 0
17 ClientUid nchar(36) 0 0
18 AccessKey nchar(36) 0 0
19 UserKey nvarchar(64) 0 0
20 UserKeyExpireDate datetime 0 0
cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
--- ---- ------------- ------- ---------- --
0 Id INT 0 1
1 Name nvarchar(255) 1 0
jp@JPMac14 ~ %
cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
--- ---------------------- ------------- ------- ---------- --
0 Id INT 0 1
1 Name nvarchar(255) 1 0
2 Address nvarchar(255) 0 0
3 PurchasedDate datetime 0 0
4 PurchasedPrice money 0 0
5 LandValue money 0 0
6 EstimatedValue money 0 0
7 OwnershipName1 nvarchar(255) 0 0
8 OwnershipName2 nvarchar(255) 0 0
9 OwnershipPercentage1 money 0 0
10 OwnershipPercentage2 money 0 0
11 Note nvarchar(255) 0 0
12 CategoryForTaxes INT 0 0
13 CategoryForIncome INT 0 0
14 CategoryForInterest INT 0 0
15 CategoryForRepairs INT 0 0
16 CategoryForMaintenance INT 0 0
17 CategoryForManagement INT 0 0
cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
--- -------- ------------- ------- ---------- --
0 Id INT 0 1
1 Building INT 1 0
2 Name nvarchar(255) 1 0
3 Renter nvarchar(255) 0 0
4 Note nvarchar(255) 0 0
cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
--- ------------ ------------ ------- ---------- --
0 Id INT 0 1
1 Name nvarchar(80) 1 0
2 Symbol nchar(20) 1 0
3 Price money 0 0
4 LastPrice money 0 0
5 CUSPID nchar(20) 0 0
7 TAXABLE tinyint 0 0
8 PriceDate datetime 0 0
cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
--- ----------------- ------------- ------- ---------- --
0 Transaction bigint 1 0
1 Id INT 1 0
2 Category INT 0 0
3 Payee INT 0 0
4 Amount money 1 0
5 Transfer bigint 0 0
6 Memo nvarchar(255) 0 0
7 Flags INT 0 0
8 BudgetBalanceDate datetime 0 0
cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
--- ----------- -------- ------- ---------- --
0 Id bigint 0 1
1 Date datetime 1 0
2 Security INT 1 0
3 Numerator money 1 0
4 Denominator money 1 0
cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
--- ----------- -------- ------- ---------- --
0 Id INT 0 1
1 Transaction bigint 1 0
2 TaxYear INT 1 0
3 TaxDate datetime 0 0
cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
--- ----------------- ------------- ------- ---------- --
0 Id bigint 0 1
1 Account INT 1 0
2 Date datetime 1 0
3 Status INT 0 0
4 Payee INT 0 0
5 OriginalPayee nvarchar(255) 0 0
6 Category INT 0 0
7 Memo nvarchar(255) 0 0
8 Number nchar(10) 0 0
9 ReconciledDate datetime 0 0
10 BudgetBalanceDate datetime 0 0
11 Transfer bigint 0 0
12 FITID nchar(40) 0 0
13 Flags INT 1 0
14 Amount money 1 0
15 SalesTax money 0 0
16 TransferSplit INT 0 0
17 MergeDate datetime 0 0
Ensure your code is formatted correctly by running this CLI before committing changes
dart format . -l 222