
Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

myMoney - Flutter edition

From the MoneyTools team. The readonly flutter edition of the MyMoney.net app

Getting Started

This is the Flutter version of MoneyTools

Build, Run the app and when stared tap/click "Use Demo Data"

This app builds and run on all platforms

  • iOS
  • Android
  • MacOS
  • Windows
  • Web
  • Linux - (Not tested but should work)


SQLite Tables

1 - AccountAliases

cid  name       type           notnull  dflt_value  pk
---  ---------  -------------  -------  ----------  --
0    Id         INT            0                    1 
1    Pattern    nvarchar(255)  1                    0 
2    Flags      INT            1                    0 
3    AccountId  nchar(20)      1                    0 

2 - Accounts

cid  name                    type              notnull  dflt_value  pk
---  ----------------------  ----------------  -------  ----------  --
0    Id                      INT               0                    1
1    AccountId               nchar(20)         0                    0
2    OfxAccountId            nvarchar(50)      0                    0
3    Name                    nvarchar(80)      1                    0
4    Description             nvarchar(255)     0                    0
5    Type                    INT               1                    0
6    OpeningBalance          money             0                    0
7    Currency                nchar(3)          0                    0
8    OnlineAccount           INT               0                    0
9    WebSite                 nvarchar(512)     0                    0
10   ReconcileWarning        INT               0                    0
11   LastSync                datetime          0                    0
12   SyncGuid                uniqueidentifier  0                    0
13   Flags                   INT               0                    0
14   LastBalance             datetime          0                    0
15   CategoryIdForPrincipal  INT               0                    0
16   CategoryIdForInterest   INT               0                    0

3 - Aliases

cid  name     type           notnull  dflt_value  pk
---  -------  -------------  -------  ----------  --
0    Id       INT            0                    1
1    Pattern  nvarchar(255)  1                    0
2    Flags    INT            1                    0
3    Payee    INT            1                    0

4 - Categories

cid  name         type           notnull  dflt_value  pk
---  -----------  -------------  -------  ----------  --
0    Id           INT            0                    1 
1    ParentId     INT            0                    0 
2    Name         nvarchar(80)   1                    0 
3    Description  nvarchar(255)  0                    0 
4    Type         INT            1                    0 
5    Color        nchar(10)      0                    0 
6    Budget       money          0                    0 
7    Balance      money          0                    0 
8    Frequency    INT            0                    0 
9    TaxRefNum    INT            0                    0

5 - Currencies

cid  name         type          notnull  dflt_value  pk
---  -----------  ------------  -------  ----------  --
0    Id           INT           0                    1 
1    Symbol       nchar(20)     1                    0 
2    Name         nvarchar(80)  1                    0 
3    Ratio        money         0                    0 
4    LastRatio    money         0                    0 
5    CultureCode  nvarchar(80)  0                    0 

6 - Investments

cid  name            type    notnull  dflt_value  pk
---  --------------  ------  -------  ----------  --
0    Id              bigint  0                    1 
1    Security        INT     1                    0 
2    UnitPrice       money   1                    0 
3    Units           money   0                    0 
4    Commission      money   0                    0 
5    MarkUpDown      money   0                    0 
6    Taxes           money   0                    0 
7    Fees            money   0                    0 
8    Load            money   0                    0 
9    InvestmentType  INT     1                    0 
10   TradeType       INT     0                    0 
11   TaxExempt       bit     0                    0 
12   Withholding     money   0                    0 

7 - LoanPayments

cid  name       type           notnull  dflt_value  pk
---  ---------  -------------  -------  ----------  --
0    Id         INT            1                    0
1    AccountId  INT            1                    0
2    Date       datetime       1                    0
3    Principal  money          0                    0
4    Interest   money          0                    0
5    Memo       nvarchar(255)  0                    0

8 - OnlineAccounts

cid  name               type            notnull  dflt_value  pk
---  -----------------  --------------  -------  ----------  --
0    Id                 INT             0                    1
1    Name               nvarchar(80)    1                    0
2    Institution        nvarchar(80)    0                    0
3    OFX                nvarchar(255)   0                    0
4    OfxVersion         nchar(10)       0                    0
5    FID                nvarchar(50)    0                    0
6    UserId             nchar(20)       0                    0
7    Password           nvarchar(50)    0                    0
8    UserCred1          nvarchar(200)   0                    0
9    UserCred2          nvarchar(200)   0                    0
10   AuthToken          nvarchar(200)   0                    0
11   BankId             nvarchar(50)    0                    0
12   BranchId           nvarchar(50)    0                    0
13   BrokerId           nvarchar(50)    0                    0
14   LogoUrl            nvarchar(1000)  0                    0
15   AppId              nchar(10)       0                    0
16   AppVersion         nchar(10)       0                    0
17   ClientUid          nchar(36)       0                    0
18   AccessKey          nchar(36)       0                    0
19   UserKey            nvarchar(64)    0                    0
20   UserKeyExpireDate  datetime        0                    0

9 - Payees

cid  name  type           notnull  dflt_value  pk
---  ----  -------------  -------  ----------  --
0    Id    INT            0                    1 
1    Name  nvarchar(255)  1                    0 
jp@JPMac14 ~ % 

10 - RentBuildings

cid  name                    type           notnull  dflt_value  pk
---  ----------------------  -------------  -------  ----------  --
0    Id                      INT            0                    1
1    Name                    nvarchar(255)  1                    0
2    Address                 nvarchar(255)  0                    0
3    PurchasedDate           datetime       0                    0
4    PurchasedPrice          money          0                    0
5    LandValue               money          0                    0
6    EstimatedValue          money          0                    0
7    OwnershipName1          nvarchar(255)  0                    0
8    OwnershipName2          nvarchar(255)  0                    0
9    OwnershipPercentage1    money          0                    0
10   OwnershipPercentage2    money          0                    0
11   Note                    nvarchar(255)  0                    0
12   CategoryForTaxes        INT            0                    0
13   CategoryForIncome       INT            0                    0
14   CategoryForInterest     INT            0                    0
15   CategoryForRepairs      INT            0                    0
16   CategoryForMaintenance  INT            0                    0
17   CategoryForManagement   INT            0                    0

11 - RentUnits

cid  name      type           notnull  dflt_value  pk
---  --------  -------------  -------  ----------  --
0    Id        INT            0                    1 
1    Building  INT            1                    0 
2    Name      nvarchar(255)  1                    0 
3    Renter    nvarchar(255)  0                    0 
4    Note      nvarchar(255)  0                    0 

12 - Securities

cid  name          type          notnull  dflt_value  pk
---  ------------  ------------  -------  ----------  --
0    Id            INT           0                    1
1    Name          nvarchar(80)  1                    0
2    Symbol        nchar(20)     1                    0
3    Price         money         0                    0
4    LastPrice     money         0                    0
5    CUSPID        nchar(20)     0                    0
6    SECURITYTYPE  INT           0                    0
7    TAXABLE       tinyint       0                    0
8    PriceDate     datetime      0                    0

13 - Splits

cid  name               type           notnull  dflt_value  pk
---  -----------------  -------------  -------  ----------  --
0    Transaction        bigint         1                    0 
1    Id                 INT            1                    0 
2    Category           INT            0                    0 
3    Payee              INT            0                    0 
4    Amount             money          1                    0 
5    Transfer           bigint         0                    0 
6    Memo               nvarchar(255)  0                    0 
7    Flags              INT            0                    0 
8    BudgetBalanceDate  datetime       0                    0 

14 - StockSplits

cid  name         type      notnull  dflt_value  pk
---  -----------  --------  -------  ----------  --
0    Id           bigint    0                    1 
1    Date         datetime  1                    0 
2    Security     INT       1                    0 
3    Numerator    money     1                    0 
4    Denominator  money     1                    0 

15 - TransactionExtras

cid  name         type      notnull  dflt_value  pk
---  -----------  --------  -------  ----------  --
0    Id           INT       0                    1
1    Transaction  bigint    1                    0
2    TaxYear      INT       1                    0
3    TaxDate      datetime  0                    0

16 - Transactions

cid  name               type           notnull  dflt_value  pk
---  -----------------  -------------  -------  ----------  --
0    Id                 bigint         0                    1 
1    Account            INT            1                    0 
2    Date               datetime       1                    0 
3    Status             INT            0                    0 
4    Payee              INT            0                    0 
5    OriginalPayee      nvarchar(255)  0                    0 
6    Category           INT            0                    0 
7    Memo               nvarchar(255)  0                    0 
8    Number             nchar(10)      0                    0 
9    ReconciledDate     datetime       0                    0 
10   BudgetBalanceDate  datetime       0                    0 
11   Transfer           bigint         0                    0 
12   FITID              nchar(40)      0                    0 
13   Flags              INT            1                    0 
14   Amount             money          1                    0 
15   SalesTax           money          0                    0 
16   TransferSplit      INT            0                    0 
17   MergeDate          datetime       0                    0 

Code Style

lines are using 222 column instead of the limiting 80

Ensure your code is formatted correctly by running this CLI before committing changes

dart format . -l 222

Main UI


Layer Dependency Diagram
