
cryptotracker gives users a list of top performing cryptocurrencies by market volume. users can add currencies they are interested in to a watchlist without the need for signing up or logging in. users can also make conversions from selected currencies to crypto coins in their watchlist or the more popular crypto coins.

Primary LanguageVue


cryptotracker gives users a list of top performing cryptocurrencies by market volume. users can add currencies they are interested in to a watchlist without the need for signing up or logging in. users can also make conversions from selected currencies to crypto coins in their watchlist or the more popular crypto coins.


users can see crypto coins according to market volume

home page screenshot (v 2.0)

users can add coins to watchlist and see them anytime

watchlist page screenshot (v 2.0)

users can convert between major currencies and more popular crypto coins by default, or convert between major currencies and crypto coins in their watchlist.

convert page screenshot (v 2.0)

new settings tab for customizable user options.

settings page screenshot (v 2.0)

dark mode.

watchlist page dark mode screenshot (v 2.0) coins page dark mode screenshot (v 2.0) convert page dark mode screenshot (v 2.0)

improvements over v1

  • in redesigning the app to give it a modern look, i changed the navigation icons to offer insight to the containing page information. on the old home page, there was a giant box that showed the app's default currency with no changing functionality. now the settings tab, when open, show the default currency and also allows to change currency.

    old home page screenshot (v 1.0) home page screenshot (v 2.0)
  • empty state for when a user's watchlist is empty. also has a cta button that directs users to the coins page to view all coins.

    old watchlist empty page screenshot (v 1.0) watchlist empty page screenshot (v 2.0)
  • embracing more whitespace in the convert page.

    old convert page screenshot (v 1.0) convert page screenshot (v 2.0)
  • changes to the conversion result modal which also responds to swipe gestures.

    convert modal screenshot (v 2.0)
  • proper error handling. designed error states with informative messages.

    coins page error screenshot (v 2.0) convert page value error screenshot (v 2.0) convert page network error screenshot (v 2.0)
  • improved responsiveness

    watchlist page desktop screenshot (v 2.0) coins page desktop screenshot (v 2.0) convert page desktop screenshot (v 2.0)
  • dark mode for improved accessibility


filter and sort coins

users can now filter out coins they want to see by losers and gainers and this is automatically sorted by loss/gain percentage. users can now sort coins by market volume or price.

coins page modal screenshot (v 2.0)

project setup

this project is built with Vue 3 + TypeScript, Tailwind CSS

install dependencies

npm install

start the development server

npm run dev