
A randomly generated environment simulator for testing an Artificial General Intelligence.

Primary LanguageRust

Artificial Super Intelligence Sandbox(ASISandBox)

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This project intends to create a unique sandbox environment for AI to grow in. It should have enough dynamic for complex emergent behavior without being so complex as to require too many parameters.

This projects intends to tackle this problem by giving the AI an abstract world of randomly associated Objects(abstractions in relation to one another), each with their own properties. The AI must find ways to use those Objects to survive, adapt and grow by controlling a Body(which is also an object).

There should be many ways for an agent to survive, so that they may vary in complexity and capacity.

Sometimes the world can be affected by Chaos, thus increasing the complexity of the system and forcing it to constantly adapt to new stimuli.


An Agent can have multiple qualities, called Modifiers, which affect their behaviour, and may be inherited by their children. Fission can diminish an Agent's life according to a modifier, and the only way they can replenish their health is by consuming Cells, which can be other Agents or Objects. Health is slowly diminished according to a Modifier.