
Create Vultr Ubuntu Instance for a Data Analytics App

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT

CI - Vultr-DA-Instance

Vultr Data Analytics Instance

This repo contains the Terraform module for the deployment of an Instance on Vultr Cloud for a Data Analytics App.

Terraform (TF) Module.

The module deploys instance(s) in the Vultr Cloud. The following resources are created:

  1. Vultr Firewall Group assigned to the instance(s)
  2. Vultr Firewall Rules attached to the Vultr Firewall Group.
  3. Vultr SSH KEY
  4. Vultr Instance(s) (Virtual Machine(s))

Deploying the Terraform (TF) Module

  1. To deploy the module on Vultr via GitHub Actions see the following link:
    CI - Vultr-DA-Instance


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