A repo that pulls in our goals/issues and displays them while maximizing a great UX. Basically, you need to duplicate the functionality of a Rails app: [GitHub repo] (https://github.com/bluemihai/goals-viewer), live on Heroku.
Serving an actual customer is a huge part of writing good software. If you take on this goal, you will be the customer, and have access to 19 other users - so you can talk to them, and learn about good User Experience Design (UX).
- You have interviewed at least three potential users at your app and integrated their feedback
- Auth is handled through GitHub Oauth, site uses the GitHub API to access goals data from this repo's issues
- An external, published, all-JS site which improves the UX of browsing/searching these goals
- Duplicate the functionality of https://goals-viewer-api.herokuapp.com/
- Use React to create a smooth, one-page app UX
- Write all your code in ES2015
- Deploy via heroku (deployment method?)
- Add unit with Jasmine (Investigate test driven development and have at least one passing test)
- write more concrete user stories/ optimize UX
- Add another view, such as goals-as-cards and/or a nicely detailed show page for goals
- Impliment review system?
- Registered users can upvote or downvote goals
- Registered users can review goals (see all pages)
- You can search/filter the full description, potentially in table view
- As a user, I can sort the list of goals.
- As a user, I can create a new goal.
- As a user, I can edit my own goal.
- As a user, I can delete my own goal.
- As a user, I can log in via Github.
- As a user, I can log out.
- The artifact produced is properly licensed, preferably with the MIT license.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.