A web application with the following functions of search, select and booking specific services. Participants need to develop and demonstrate a working WebApp that will help customers to search and select services or service verticals, and open a serviceticket request to achieve a desired Outcome, without booking individual Experts.
- Financial Audit, Financial Planning, Handling Taxes (CA)
- Cybersecurity Audit of IT network (Cybersecurity Expert)
- House Construction or Interior design (Architect)
- Legal help related to property matters, getting a Property Registered, Registering a Company, Family Disputes, Vehicle Loans, Road accidents etc. (Lawyer) Basic Requirements:
- User registration
- Login / Log out
- User Profile page
- Booking the service
- Feedback / rating
Creatively Implement any of the 5 below features with your Innovative Logic & Workflow to simplify and enhance the experience for customers. (This is not a mandatory requirement, but will enhance your project and help it stand out among others.)
- Digital/Virtual Receptionist to help customer search & find an Expert & book Consultation. You may create a Chat BOT or menu functions that could be manually populated.
- Through a feedback function, Customer should be able to Rate & share comments upon the completion of each SR (Service-Ticket).
- Referral program
- Monitor & Measure customer sentiment
- Loyalty programs