
Basic Task:

A web application with the following functions of search, select and booking specific services. Participants need to develop and demonstrate a working WebApp that will help customers to search and select services or service verticals, and open a serviceticket request to achieve a desired Outcome, without booking individual Experts.


  1. Financial Audit, Financial Planning, Handling Taxes (CA)
  2. Cybersecurity Audit of IT network (Cybersecurity Expert)
  3. House Construction or Interior design (Architect)
  4. Legal help related to property matters, getting a Property Registered, Registering a Company, Family Disputes, Vehicle Loans, Road accidents etc. (Lawyer) Basic Requirements:
  5. User registration
  6. Login / Log out
  7. User Profile page
  8. Booking the service
  9. Feedback / rating


Creatively Implement any of the 5 below features with your Innovative Logic & Workflow to simplify and enhance the experience for customers. (This is not a mandatory requirement, but will enhance your project and help it stand out among others.)

  1. Digital/Virtual Receptionist to help customer search & find an Expert & book Consultation. You may create a Chat BOT or menu functions that could be manually populated.
  2. Through a feedback function, Customer should be able to Rate & share comments upon the completion of each SR (Service-Ticket).
  3. Referral program
  4. Monitor & Measure customer sentiment
  5. Loyalty programs