
Primary LanguageTypeScript

SpaceTraders: New Game Registration App

This is a Vite-React-TS application that allows users to register for a new game in Space Traders by submitting a symbol and selecting a faction. The app interacts directly with the Space Traders API to handle user registration and token management.

Key Features

  • User registration with a symbol and faction selection.

  • Error Handling: Displays success or error message/alert based on registration status.

  • Loading: Manages loading states while submitting.

  • Validation: Validates symbol length min 3 and max 14

  • Token Management: Stores API token in local storage for future requests using useEffect hook.

  • Resets also removes token from local storage

  • Form Handling: Handles form changes and submissions using the useCallback hook

  • Responsive design with Bootstrap for a user-friendly experience.

  • Maintains flow of project using version control system Git-Github

    App link (https://monikas5.github.io/NewGame/)

Technologies Used

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Bootstrap - for styling the app
  • Git - for tracking changes in source code
  • GitHub - for hosting Git repositories
  • Fetch API - for making HTTP requests
  • Postman - for API testing

Commands used

npm create vite@latest
npm install
npm ci
npm install --save-dev @vitejs/plugin-react-swc
npm install bootstrap
npm install react-router-dom
npm install @types/react-dom --save-dev

In main.tsx (for Bootstrap) import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'

to run the app npm run dev



  1. In vit.config.ts - add base: '/NewGame/',

  2. npm install gh-pages --save-dev

  3. In package.json - in scripts "predeploy": "npm run build", "deploy": "gh-pages -d dist"

  4. npm run deploy