Posts Web App


For this example application, a database must be created and the connection info added to a .env file.

Install dependencies

$ composer install

Running tests

$ vendor/bin/phpunit

Running the application

You can run the application using the built-in PHP web server, specifying the document root as the src directory:

$ php -S localhost:7777 -t src/Views

Alternatively, you can run it using Apache or Nginx.


phpunit composer require --dev phpunit/phpunit

once you install it to run tests you do vendor/bin/phpunit

PHP dotenv can install wtih composer

composer require vlucas/phpdotenv

see ENV in debug console

$_ENV write it in terminal to see the env stuff

Create a new repository

  • for this lab 5 must be on its own repo in order to run the pipeline

Where does composer search for its packages? packagist

When is the functionally spl_autoload_register called? whenever php encounters a class it doesn't know about. No need for require statements. so it wont know what the classes . It will invoke the callback that is invoked

What is semantic versioning? Major - breaking API change - when a client upgrades then they will have to modify some of the code Minor - Patch

How can we check for secuirty bunerabilit yin 3rd party packages? audit command

If a package we're using has security vulnerability what should we do?

  • update it

Why should the composer.lock file be used, what does it do?

  • it garuntees that dependencies installed with it - all developers will have the same verions of dependencies - will get back vendor folder back