
I am a Design + Art Director. Experienced. Award-Winning. Strategic. I practice what I preach.

With 16+ years of hands-on design and management, in small studios and global agencies, I can pitch and execute the creative. I am at my best when given the opportunity to exercise both sides of my brain.

Clients tell me I am an empathetic designer and design staff consider me a giving, yet firm manager. I’m constant in my ability to spark the gears of inspiration and initiate the creative process. I love to color outside the lines and eat paste. Break things and put them back together again. My designers are encouraged to do the same.

I’ve designed for the likes of Proctor & Gamble, Miller Brewing, Microsoft, National Geographic, Pfizer, AOL Time Warner, Ford, US Airways and the American Institute of Architects. However, my passion is for cause-related design that makes a difference — since we all should be yearning to be part of something greater than ourselves.

Though I now work in tech, past work includes campaigns that give voice to the tragedy in Darfur, multilingual collateral for the World Health Organization, graphic support for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's effort to improve education in America, congressional reports for the DHS and designs for DaimlerChrysler's campaign to reduce teen driving fatalities.

(I use github mainly for work. If I ever develop something groundbreaking I'll share. Until then there's nothing to see.)