A plugin to simplify Static Code Analysis on Gradle. Not restricted to, but specially useful, in Android projects, by making sure all analysis can access the SDK classes.
- abelmza@bitsoex
- AlvarezAriel
- amoulySecuritize
- arok@moqod
- Bala-rajFull Creative
- barriosnahuel@mercadolibre
- cbiancucci@glovo
- debianr3Mercado Libre
- flekken
- fpagliar
- heri333
- ivannarinoLondon
- jcayzac@rakutentech @rakutenlabs
- joelibaceta@kwemaco
- jsotuyodBuenos Aires, Argentina
- JuanchiFragaArgentina
- Kimhoooshenzhen
- LDuncAndroidHighlands, Scotland
- lfernandofaraujo@mercadolibre
- loannaflip
- lucasfarre@freenowtech
- manuarias
- mgasiorowski
- MysterAitch
- pauIomartins@mercadolibre
- pcostesi@Mudafy
- puboe@Glovo
- qs00019
- shake863
- sigruin-tech engineering
- sjuddAndy AI
- townsfolk
- TWiStErRobMarks and Spencer
- valeserberBuenos Aires
- xpnewmediaXNA
- ykayacan@Zalando