

JobLinker is a job-based website that connects job seekers with employers. It provides a platform for users to browse job listings, apply for jobs, and post job openings. Whether you're looking for a new career opportunity or seeking qualified candidates for your company, JobLinker simplifies the job search and hiring process.

Live Link


Key Features

  1. User Authentication:

    • Secure user signup, login, and logout functionality.
    • Personalized user profiles for managing job applications and postings.
  2. Job Listings:

    • Browse through a wide range of job listings from various industries.
    • Search and filter jobs based on location, industry, job type, etc.
  3. Apply for Jobs:

    • Easily apply for jobs directly through the website.
    • Upload resumes and cover letters for job applications.
  4. Post a Job:

    • Employers can post job openings with detailed descriptions.
    • Specify job requirements, responsibilities, location, and more.
  5. Update a Job:

    • Employers have the capability to update job openings with comprehensive descriptions.
    • Specify job requirements, responsibilities, location, and other pertinent details with precision.

NPM Packages Used

  • @emotion/react@11.11.4: Provides styling solutions for React components.
  • aos@2.3.4: Library for animated scrolling effects.
  • axios@1.6.8: Promise-based HTTP client for making requests.
  • dotenv@16.4.5: Loads environment variables from a .env file.
  • firebase@10.11.1: Backend services for web applications.
  • framer-motion@11.2.0: Animation library for React.
  • react@18.2.0: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • react-awesome-reveal@4.2.8: Library for adding reveal animations to elements.
  • react-dom@18.2.0: Entry point to the DOM and server rendering for React applications.
  • react-headroom@3.2.1: Provides a customizable header component that will react to page scrolling.
  • react-hook-form@7.51.3: Form library for React with easy validation.
  • react-icons@5.1.0: Library containing popular icon sets as React components.
  • react-router-dom@6.22.3: Library for routing within React applications.
  • react-tabs@6.0.2: Library for creating tabbed interfaces in React.
  • react-toastify@10.0.5: Library for displaying toast notifications in React applications.
  • react-tooltip@5.26.4: Library for adding tooltips to elements.
  • sweetalert2@11.10.8: Library for displaying custom modal windows.