:heart_eyes: WebAsGUI is a simple solution that helps you to make beautiful GUI in Java. This GUI can be made by using HTML, CSS and JS.

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


WebAsGUI is a simple solution that helps you to make beautiful GUI in Java. This GUI can be made by using HTML, CSS and JS.

Before reading this i know i have a bad english, sorry for this.



Just clone this repository using:

git clone https://github.com/MonkeyAndres/WebAsGUI.git

Project Structure

├── README.md
├── src
│   └── frontend
│       ├── Bridge.java
│       ├── Controller.java
│       ├── Main.java
│       └── MainWindow.fxml
│   └── backend
│       ├── JSON.java
│       └── JsonObject.java
└── www
    └── index.html

How does it work?

It works using a simple JavaFX WebView. This WebView open the index.html file located in /www folder.

Communicating JS and Java

I'm going to explain how to make upcalls from JS to Java and how to call JS from Java.

Upcalls from JS to Java

We provide a class called Bridge.java and as i explain in the project structure, all the methods written in this class are accessible from JavaScript. Let's see an example.

// Bridge.java
public class Bridge {

    // Example method that print "Hello From JS :P" in the console.
    public void sayHello(){
        System.out.println("Hello From JS :P");

<!-- index.html -->
  	function init(){

This example will print in the console "Hello From JS :P"

Note: if you want to run a script when the page loads you must put it into the init() function.

Call JS functions from Java

The app runs the init() funtion by default but you can call other js functions by adding this simple line of code.


Working with JSON

As a good backend we offer a set of classes that allow you to send JSON objects from java to javascript. Let's see an example.

// backend.Person.java

// This model must implement JsonObject.
public class Person implements JsonObject {	
    private String name;
    private int age;

    public Alumno(String name, int age) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;

    @Override // A kind JSON builder
    public String toJSON() {
        String Json = "{" +
                "\"nombre\": \""+name+ "\"," +
                "\"edad\": "+age+
        return Json;
// Bridge.java

public class Bridge{
  public String getJSON(){
        Person a1 = new Person("Juan", 34);
        Person a2 = new Person("Pedro", 24);
        Person a3 = new Person("Ignacio", 14);

        JSON people = new JSON();


        return people.toJSON();

Now from JS you can parse the result of app.getJSON()