Based on the Xaringan R-Markdown slide package, This is a slide template to integrate the Duke University Color Palatte
- Xaringan slide library (github | vingette)
- Duke University Color Palette
My slide-deck template integrates the Duke University Color palette into the Xaringan slide package. Compose your slides Rmarkdown, knit, and your done. Now go present and deliver the Duke-wow. My next development step for this project is to further integrate the existing template into the Rstudio document template feature-set which will streamline your slide development even more.
Follow the Xaringan directions for install and starting a new slide deck
File -> New File -> R Markdown -> From Template -> Ninja Presentation
(if this doesn't work, see slide #8)
Before you go any further...
a. copy
to your local slide-composition directory b. addcss: ["default", "duke_color_pallettes_slides.css"]
to your YAML header
c. Knit
to moon_readerd. Open the duke_slide_template.html in a web browser to learn your next steps.
I need to make this a package. I'll do it eventually. Till then feel free to collaborate (fork, improve, and submit pull-request)
Trade off: loose a bit of graphical wysiwig for vastly improved reproducibility
Composed in R-Markdown
The more you know about CSS the more you can fine-tune the cosmetic layer
Any opportunity to not use PPT is a good opportunity