
REST API Unit Tests for a Tin Can/xAPI Learning Record Store - in progress

Primary LanguageJavaScript

** Taking a break from project for a bit 10/18/2013 **

Tin Can/xAPI LRS validator with REST test cases from ADL's LRS, useful for those who plan on building their own LRS

Uses Frisby.js

Running Tests

Frisby is built on top of the jasmine BDD spec framework, and uses the excellent jasmine-node test runner to run spec tests in a specified target directory.


Install Frisby from NPM:

npm install frisby

File naming conventions

Files must end with spec.js to run with jasmine-node.

Suggested file naming is to append the filename with _spec, like mytests_spec.js and moretests_spec.js

Install jasmine-node

npm install -g jasmine-node

Run it from the CLI

cd github.com/LRS_Validator
jasmine-node statement_tests

--config CLEAN false
--config DOMAIN http://localhost:8080

Overview of tests to perform (so far)

/* from: https://github.com/adlnet/ADL_LRS/blob/master/lrs/tests/StatementsTests.py */
//11 pregen valid statements 


// header format test
// add a variety of statement types and check they cleared 204
// add statement with substatement 204 (use statement and sub statement for GET Test)
// invalid no statement in put w/ id 400
// valid satement no put id 400
// valid different satements same id confilict 409
// valid same statement and id as existing no conflict 204


// header format test
// invalid fields as 400 (many)
// valid statement 200 and return id (use same statment for GET Tests)
// invalid not array field types 400 (many)
// invalid time types 400
// invalid ref id to non found statment 404
// valid multiple statements 200 and return ids (use same statment for GET Tests)
// valid statement & id as if PUT 204
// valid statment with group actor 200 return id
// invalid statement in mulitiple don't save all 400 (requires GET to confirm not saved)
// void statment (GET confirm voided)
// mutlipart attachment test (todo)


// single query id confirm id returned and content-length same 200
// no params return all with default limit of 10 (statement count will be less)
// no params return all with default limit of 10 (statement count will be more)
// single query id no existing id found 404
// single query all fields returned accuratly 204 (many)
// single query void by voidedSatementId 204
// single query void by statementId 404

GET Complex query

/* https://github.com/adlnet/ADL_LRS/blob/master/lrs/tests/StatementFilterTests.py */
// limit below total return limit count statements 200
// filter by verb id
// filter by agent "id" related_agent check if in both statment and substatement (anywhere the agent can be)
// filter agent "id" in group
// filter since and until
// filter agent "id" related_agent until
// filter registration id and verb
// filter activity
// filter activity related
// filter with format(s)
// filter attachments


// Re-Run above with request type in query string
// Auth tests with permissions of POST/PUT/GET
