
ROS2 pkg with utils functions to use launch pkñs

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


ROS2 pkg with utils functions to use ros2 launch pkgs


The functions of this pkg is to avoid duplicate code and long code syntax that comes with ROS2 launch system and setup.py file. To use the launch_utils pkg you just have to use this name folders structure in your ROS2 packages:

config: folder for yours .yaml files configurations.
launch: Folder for yours launch files writed in .launch.py format file.
<pkg-name>: Folder for yours python nodes.
urdf: Folder for yours xacro, URDF and 3D mesh components files.
rviz: Folder for yours rviz configs files.

This format can be changed by parameters to meet your needs, check the source code in the scripts in launch_utils folder and the examples to learn how to use it.


Install and Compile

cd <your_ros2_ws>/src/
git clone https://github.com/MonkyDCristian/launch_utils.git
cd ..
colcon build --packages-select launch_utils

Install dependencies

cd ~/caleuche_ws
rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro humble -y


The utils functions are contained in launch_utils/utils.py, check the files setup.py, example.launch.py and example2.launch.py to learn how to use it.

for your setup.py:

from launch_utils.utils import add_data_files, add_entry_points

for yours launch files .launch.py:

from launch_utils.utils import include_launch, get_path

from launch_utils.utils import launch_rviz_node
from launch_utils.utils import launch_robot_state_publisher_node
from launch_utils.utils import launch_joint_state_publisher_node
from launch_utils.utils import launch_static_tf_node


Launch example: include_launch and get_path

ros2 launch launch_utils example.launch.py

Launch example2: robot_state_publisher and joint_state_publisher

ros2 launch launch_utils example2.launch.py

Launch example3: launch_static_tf_node

ros2 launch launch_utils example3.launch.py
